Chapter 9 - Moonlit Promises

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As winter's starry night sky glistens overhead, I can't help but let my mind wander as I walk to meet up with Kanon. With Kanon telling me about her declining an offer to study abroad in Vienna and Keke informing me on the conflict that happened between her and Chisato about wanting her to go fulfill her dreams, I struggled to figure if or how I fit into this whole situation, whether I should give Kanon my thoughts or if I should stay out of it, but in the end I decided that rather than butt in unnecessarily, I decided that in the end, Kanon is the one who has to make the final decision, and so for now I'll just do the best I can for the woman I love and be there for her if she needs me or wants to talk to me or anything.

This afternoon however I got a text from her asking me to meet up with her tonight, and just like I decided, I'm gonna be there no matter what the reason. With how busy they've been preparing for Love Live it makes sense that she asked me to meet up this evening rather than in the afternoon.

As I reached where we were meeting up, I saw Kanon standing on the bridge, the moon gently reflecting on the water, the sound of it trickling near us, the only sound accompanying my footsteps. When she heard them, she turned to face me and with a nervous smile on her face said "Hey Y/n, I'm glad you came."

"Of course I came, I'll always be there for you." I said, walking up to her and stopping as I stood beside her "So what's up?"

"It's about me studying abroad in Vienna... if I said I was going to go through with it, what would you say?" Kanon said hesitantly

"I'd say that your passion for music has always been an inspiration to me, and now that I've found where my passion lies thanks to your support, I want to be able to support you however I can. If that means saying goodbye so you can head to Austria, I'll do it." I said "I'll miss you, but this is an amazing opportunity, so I can't blame you."

Though, while I say that, I can't deny that there's a small sliver of fear inside me that she'll find somebody else there, somebody who shares her passion and will bring her closer to her aspirations in a way I can't

Kanon leaned against me and said "I'm glad that's how you feel Y/n. After talking to Chisato and everyone else last night, I decided I'd go through with it, and I wanted you to know my decision since it means we'll be going long distance for a while."

I nod my head, not sure of what to add without retracing previous ground as what seems like a comfortable silence sets in as we lean against each other, the winter chill fought off slightly as we feel each other's body heat. However, that silence is broken as Kanon says "Y/n, as much as I'm looking forward to this, I'd be lying if I said I was nervous, including about us. I can't help but worry about something happening while we're apart, I don't want to lose you."

I give her a reassuring smile as I put my arm around her shoulder. "I know what you mean, but at the end of it all, I promise I'll be there waiting for you."

I then smile as an idea springs to my mind, one that it may be a bit early for, but I know I won't regret. I took a hold of her hand and got on one knee as I said "We'll be apart for a while, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that you're the most precious person in my life. I want to be beside you for the rest of my life"

"Eh? Y/n?" Kanon said, her face bright red as I continued

As I looked into her eyes, I could feel my heart pounding and a smile forming on my face as I said "And so Kanon Shibuya, I want to ask if someday after your return, if you'll marry me. I don't have an engagement ring right now, but I know that after I finish the training to be a certified jeweler, I'll use every ounce of my passion and love for you to make one good enough for you"

"Y/n, this is so sudden..." She said, blushing fiercely, a smile on her face despite it.

"I know, and so I don't mind if you don't answer today or even before you leave. I just want you to know just how much I love you, and that I'll always be by your side." I said, standing back up to kiss her, our lips meeting as our hands intertwine.

As our lips part, me and Kanon rest our foreheads against each other, holding each close as she says "I love you too Y/n, and while I don't know if I can answer you quite yet, I'm so happy that you'd ask me that, and I promise I'll give you an answer someday."

"Of course, why wouldn't I ask somebody so important to me?" I say

"I'm going to miss you and everybody else so much Y/n, we'll still be able to talk on the phone, but it just won't be the same as being able to share moments like this." Kanon said

"I know, and so in the few months before you leave, we'll just have to make them special enough to make up for all the time we'll be missing, right?" I said, holding her close

As the clear night sky illuminates us in this one small moment, I want to make this one something to be treasured, expressing to her how much I love her, and that when we're apart, can be part of her strength in my place.

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