Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

    In the end, human life is at stake. After the two regained their senses, they immediately observed the traces of their fall along the way, and moved forward cautiously and quickly, preparing to save people.

    After walking for about 20 meters, I saw the two people lying on a relatively flat grass, howling there. The dense grass was crushed by these two people, and the exposed skin of the two people was covered with abrasions, the most serious thing was their legs. I saw that one of them was holding his left leg and the other was holding his right leg. Judging from the exaggerated shape of these two legs, it is estimated that they are broken.

    After Wu Jun and Li Gong watched closely, they estimated that their lives would not be in danger for the time being. Because he was still halfway up the mountain, Li Gong had no choice but to ask Wu Jun to find someone to rescue the two disasters, while he stood there, silently calculating.

    Hurrying quickly, Wu Jun asked several waves of people along the way, and finally found a dirty uncle in a fertilized field. The uncle was leading the strong laborers in the team to top-dress the field.

    When I heard that someone was injured on the mountain, I became anxious, especially one of them was an educated youth. These days, if the affairs of the educated youth are not handled properly, they will be blamed. I didn't see the captain of the brigade, because he flirted with the female educated youth, so he was dragged to reform.

    So, regardless of the dirt on their bodies, they called a few young men who were working together, and the group ran up the mountain in a hurry. On the way, I didn't forget to remove the door panel of the brigade department for later use. Several people in the team saw their movement and started to inquire. Wu Yun was leading the way, and he was worried that Li Gong would not know whether it was safe or not on the mountain alone. After walking for about half an hour, I arrived at the place.

    I saw Liu Mouse laying on the side and still howling, while Liu Shiguo was lying a few meters away from him. Li Gong was squatting beside him, their lips moved from time to time, as if they were talking about something. They stopped when they heard someone coming.

    The team leader hurriedly ordered the injured man to be carried to the door, ready to be dragged to the commune's doctor. There are no barefoot doctors in their brigade, so they can't deal with such serious injuries. When the man was lifted up, the young man didn't know how to do it seriously, and the two people with broken legs were hit again, oops. After finally tossing people to the door panel, I found that it was not easy to go down the mountain. After tossing and coming back, I found some vines, tied the person to the door panel, and then went down the mountain smoothly.

    As soon as we reached the foot of the mountain, there were many people waiting to watch the excitement. At this point, those who work quickly have already left work. The captain called his son from the crowd and asked him to talk to Liujiawan and tell them to go to the commune hospital to find someone to pay the bill. It was only then that a few big men were greeted, and the panting young man was replaced, ready to carry him to the entrance of the village. At the entrance of the village, the third master has already prepared an ox cart and is waiting.

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