I Don't Want to Be Here

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"Did you shave?" Mom asked through my closed door.
"Why would I?" I yelled back. "You don't know what may happen," she said suggestively. "Stop trying to pimp me out, Jesus. I shaved yesterday," I said, pretty damn annoyed with her at that point.

I exited my bathroom and walked past her to take a look at my options. "I laid one out for you already," she told me. I looked at the piece of fabric on my bed. I laughed sarcastically at the skimpy dress I haven't been able to fit into since college. I focused back on the more appropriate clothing I had in my closet. "Did you hear me?" She asked. "Yes, mother, I heard you. There is no way in hell I will wear that. I am not 21 for God's sake." "Why do you have to be so rude when answering me?" She whined.

"Why do you have to be so rude with every comment you make on my life?" I asked instead of answering. "I am not rude, young lady. I'm just trying to take care of my daughter."

"By selling me off to the first guy that comes to your mind? First with Michael and now this. Why do you hate me?" I asked.

"Not everything that happens to you is an attack, Sophie. Grow up," she said and hastily exited my room. "Good riddance," I said and closed my door with a bang.

"Now, what to wear? He definitely doesn't deserve to see hot Sophie. Asshole," I spoke to myself. I often did that.

"Sophie, hurry up. He's here," dad shouted from downstairs. "Shit," I hissed, grabbing a black knee length dress from its hanger. I quickly put on a pair of black heels to match and ran downstairs.

"You look lovely, darling," mom said happily. I rolled my eyes in response and said goodbye. I closed the door behind me and walked to his car. He was sitting inside and scrolling through his phone. What a fucking gentleman. I sat inside his car without as much as a hello.

He repaid my kindness. We drove in silence for a good twenty minutes before we stopped in front of a restaurant. I guessed this was our destination because he turned the engine off and got out of his car. I followed suit, without a word. He didn't even hold the door open for me when we reached the entrance.

The first time I heard him speak was when he said: "Table for two under Biersack." Somebody lead us to a table in the back of the restaurant. We sat down and I ordered a scotch before even opening the menu. My date ordered a glass of sparkling water. Then the waiter left us to decide what we wanted to eat.

When they brought our drinks, he ordered some sort of salad, and I ordered fancy sounding pasta. We waited for our food in- you've guessed it- complete silence. What a thrilling date! One of the best ones I've been on. There wasn't a lot that could have made it worse. But, of course, I jinxed it when that thought crossed my mind because in the next second, I noticed somebody familiar walk in, holding hands with a- "Oh fuck me. He knocked her up." The words left my mouth before I could stop myself. Andrew looked up and gave me a confused look. I shook my head and excused myself.

I went straight to the ladies' room and locked the door. As the shock of seeing Michael with his pregnant assistant slowly passed, tears started forming in my eyes. I don't really cry a lot. Usually, I get pissed off and start swearing like a sailor. What did me in with this whole situation, was the timeline. By the looks of it, she was at least six months pregnant, meaning that he had been cheating on me for at least five months and only broke up with me when he was unable to keep hiding his affair. "Motherfucker!" I yelled, punching a wall. "Shit," I hissed as I shook my hand which started hurting almost instantly after the impact. I put it under cold water and looked at myself in the mirror. "Wipe those tears and get your ass back outside. That cheating bastard is not worth it," I hissed at my reflection. I did as told and walked back to the table where my unwanted date was waiting for me.

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