So, You Care About Me?

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I got out of the water and sat down on my towel. Andrew was still doing laps in the ocean. I desperately wanted to ask him what was going on with him. I mean, was he bipolar or something? At first he was totally rude and threatened to cost me my job, then, he told everyone what a great job I did and provided me with a project that really helped my career, but then he's rude again, only to say that he likes me, after which he forces me to eat and takes care of me in what can only be described as the cutest way possible. He texts me and shows up unannounced in my office, only to start avoiding me (to be fair I was also avoiding him). And then he shows up here, without as much as a heads up, to tease me and objectify me, and then have the most intimate conversations with me. And don't get me started on whatever happened back there in the water. How did he go from the cockiest motherfucker to someone who literally runs away from his problems? Were all guys like that? No, impossible. Something was bothering him, but I didn't know what it was. It's none of my business, of course, but if he wants to take it out on me, I should at least know why. I never seem to run out of adjectives when it comes to him. Right now, 'confusing' and 'frustrating' would be best to describe him.

To be fair, I've been feeling confusing and frustrating too. What the hell was up with my body's constant reactions to his touch? I never had that with Michael. Could it be that I'm allergic to Andrew? That might explain a lot...

'Who are you kidding, Soph?' I scoffed at myself. 'You know damn well what all of this has been about, but you're a coward, and don't want to admit it to yourself. It would make it too real, wouldn't it?' the nagging voice of reason said inside my head. "Well, what if I am coward?" I muttered. I sighed.

How am I supposed to know what to do? The best thing I can do is just endure the rest of this holiday, and then we'll each go our own way again. Right? Speaking of which, where the hell is he? He's been gone for quite some time now.

I searched for him with my eyes. I couldn't see him anywhere and I started panicking. I stood up and nervously stared at the huge body of water before my eyes. There were so many people there, it was almost impossible to actually focus on one person. I started nervously chewing on my nails and walking toward the sea. What if I pissed him off so much that the angry laps he's been doing have tired him out and he's drowned? Was that even possible?

"What are you looking at?" A voice said beside me. I shrieked and turned my head, only to see his tall figure wrapped in a towel, standing behind me.

"Oh, God, I thought something happened to you!" I threw my arms around his neck. His body was completely rigid under my embrace. I let go of him quickly and apologized.

"Why would something happen to me?" He rose an eyebrow questioningly.

"You were gone really long and then I couldn't see you anywhere and I thought I pissed you off so much, earlier, that you drowned or something," a verbal diarrhea escaped my lips.

"Do you realize how dumb that sounds, Sophie?" He asked me. He was right. It sounded really dumb. But I couldn't shake the feeling of panic. The thought of something happening to him didn't sit well with me.

I muttered an apology and he smirked. He put his arm around my shoulders and said: "Come on, Williams. Let's have a smoke."

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

We sat down and rolled our cigarettes in silence. When we lit them, he shot me an amused half-smile and I already knew he would say something really annoying.

"So, you care about me, huh?"

"So, what, if I do?"

He didn't reply and just smiled. "Stop smiling!" I nudged him.

Cliché (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now