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"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Andrew! Get in here!" I screamed out in pain.

"What is it???" He asked, panic lacing his voice.

"My water broke!" I groaned, grabbing my stomach. These contractions were killing me.

"But you were supposed to wait until next week when my parents arrive!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry. Let me just scoop up the water and put it back inside my uterus!" I screamed sarcastically.

"Sorry, now that I think about it, it sounded kind of stupid," he apologized.

"You think?!" My face contorted in pain again.

"Remember what your birthing coach said, honey, you have to breathe through the pain."

"You breathe through the fucking pain! This is all your fault," I cried.

"Sorry, babe. Let me just call Ronnie. Hopefully, the Radkes can come over to watch Axl and Bruce."

"Okay, God, aaaagh. I'll just go shower real quick. Fuck, if I remembered how much this shit hurt, I wouldn't have let you talk me into having more of your freakishly large children."

"I love you though," he said in a sing-song voice from the hallway.

"I love you though," I repeated in a mocking voice. I rolled my eyes and I waddled to the bathroom, stepping into the shower. I let the warm water wash over me, as my knuckles turned white due to the strong grip, I had on the shower head.

Just breathe, Sophie. You got this. This isn't your first rodeo.

Having twins once is a coincidence. But being pregnant with twins a second time? What the actual fuck, Universe?

By this time tomorrow, baby C and baby D will be here, and I will be living with five guys. What a scam.

Don't get me wrong, I love my boys. Axl and Bruce are the cutest three-year-olds I've ever met. But is a little girl too much to ask for? Oh well. Maybe the third time's the charm.


Nope, not going through these God-awful contractions again. Never mind. Five guys it is.

I wrapped myself in a towel and waddled back to our bedroom. I found what I wanted to wear and called Andy for help again.

"You called, my dearest?" He was walking on eggshells around me. As he should. Hehe.

"Help me get dressed, please," I pouted. He chuckled and helped me put on my dress and a pair of sneakers.

"Have I told you you're unbelievably beautiful when you carry my children?" He asked, kissing the top of my head.

"Every day, Andyyy-eouch. Okay, we gotta go. I don't want to have C and D in our car."

I waddled down the stairs just in time for Ronnie and a pregnant Sam to enter our house with Theo. "Go time?" Sam asked.

"Oh yeah. Wish me luck," I said through clenched teeth.

"Good luck. You got this, Soph," she high fived me before we left.

We got in the car, and Andy drove as fast as he legally could. I taught him that.

I managed to hold the babies in until we got to the hospital. They sat me in a wheelchair and wheeled me up to the third floor. Delivery room A.

Baby C arrived at 5.05 PM, on April 1st. Our third boy turned out to be our first girl. We stuck with our original plan and named her Chandler. Baby D arrived an hour later, at 6.06 PM, and we named him Dana.

Both of them were healthy and perfect and I wasn't mad at Andy anymore because I loved him and also, we got to leave the hospital after three days. Their brothers were overjoyed to have the babies home.

At the moment, all 6 of us are sitting on our couch, watching How to Train Your Dragon. I'm holding Dana, and Andy is holding Chandler. She's already daddy's little princess. Or Batgirl, as he likes to call her. Axl and Bruce are sitting between us. And I am happy.

I am happy my parents set me up on that God awful date. I am happy that Andy became my client. I am happy he liked the cover. I am happy that I sent him that drunk voice message. I am happy he showed me his songs. I am happy he kept forcing me to eat. I am happy he joined us in Miami Beach. I am happy he followed me back to LA. I am happy we got to see Rocky Horror Picture Show together and that I stopped resisting. I am happy we eloped. I am happy we moved in together. I am happy we survived Biersackgate. I am happy we were blessed with baby A and baby B. I am happy baby C and baby D took us by bigger surprise than their older siblings. I am happy to be Mrs. Biersnack. And I am happy for our almost cliché enemies-to-lovers trope that gave me my favourite human being in the world - my husband, Andy Biersack. I'm not just happy. I'm overjoyed. I am freaking ecstatic.

These would be good wedding vows, right? Sadly, we still don't remember the original ones. So, we have a framed piece of paper that says: "I promise to get a GPS tracker, so you can find me when I run away," and, "I promise to crack open a book on abstract expressionism," under which it says: "to my future babies, love, dad," and above all of these, it says: "until next time 🖤".

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