I was sitting on the beach and staring out into the ocean. Everything was quiet because the beach was very secluded, and it was already quite late. The sun was starting to set, and I would've stayed longer and watched it go down as it painted everything a blood red colour, had I not started shivering and had to go back to the beach house.
I came here a week ago after I started receiving threats as a result of the whole pregnancy scandal. What a great fucking summer this has been. I always knew that Andy's fans were intense, and I fully realised that he does get a lot of media coverage when I started dating him, but Jesus Christ, the way this entire shitstorm escalated is beyond comprehension. I was afraid of the world not thinking I was good enough for him, but I didn't know how much it would hurt to read those words written about me. I've always been good at running away. And so, I did. I ran away to a secluded part of Miami Beach. It's been lonely here, not gonna lie. But I have been drawing a lot. And painting. So, that part has been good.
I've been missing Andy. A lot. The last time I heard from him was two days ago when he cancelled his tour. I didn't want it to go that far. Honestly, I told him time and again that he should just see the whole thing through until the end. It would've ended on the 14th anyway. I do, however, appreciate him standing up for me again. He always takes me by surprise when he does that. God, I really love the man. I've been drawing him a lot too. That way, I could pretend that he was there with me. Kind of pathetic, I know.
Anyway, I walked up the stairs to the beach house and wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings, until...
"I've said it before, and I'll gladly say it again. You should wear bikinis more often, Williams."
"OH MY GOD, ANDY!" I squealed, dropped everything I was holding and jumped on him. I was holding on to him like a baby koala. My legs were wrapped around his hips and my arms were tightly wound around his neck. I gave him a million kisses. His whole body was vibrating with his laughter. It was my favourite sound in the world. I've missed it so much. God, I never wanted to let go of him. But it would be pretty hard for us to do anything if I stayed on him like this for the rest of our lives.
"So, I'm guessing you're happy to see me?" He chuckled when I lowered myself back onto the floor.
"Meh, I guess," I shrugged, grinning widely.
"Yeah, that's cool. Ditto," he shrugged too. We stared at each other and then we both burst out laughing.
"Come on, let's go inside. I have to shower," I told him, grabbing his hand and dragging him inside.
"Is that an invitation?" He asked suggestively.
"Of course. I haven't seen you in almost two months."
He had no further questions, nor did he have any objections. We took a long shower, after which we made up for lost time some more, but on a bed. And then a kitchen counter. And maybe also on the couch. Look, you cannot blame a ma'am for missing her husband and his body. I missed his personality too, of course, but I got to experience that over the many video calls we had when he was on tour.
We were planning on having a drink or two on the porch later that evening, but it was already night when we were done, uhm, greeting (?) each other, so we just went to bed.
In the morning, I woke up first, and made us coffee. Andy was still asleep when both our cups were already outside, so I went back inside to wake him up.
"Andy?" I said in a half-whisper. There was no response, so I nudged him and repeated his name. "Mmm..." he muttered. "I made coffee. Come on, sleepyhead. Get up." He didn't reply. He just turned around with his back now facing me. "Come on, Andrew. It's time to get up," I whined, crawling on top of him. "I don't wanna," he muttered. "But you have to! Come on, spend time with me," I whined again. He turned on his back, wrapped his arms around me and hugged me to his body. Then he turned to his side again, but this time with me pressed to him like a stuffed animal. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him. "Mmm, this feels nice," he muttered again. I agreed with him. It felt nice. It felt more than nice. It felt like home.

Cliché (Andy Biersack)
FanfictionSophie Williams, painter, daughter, friend, ex girlfriend. Andy Biersack, singer, son, friend, doesn't date. Who knows where their story leads after their parents set them up. Disclaimer: As always, I don't own the actual celebrity names, their mu...