Not a Good Look

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When I told my best friend about my first solo project, she lost it. Apparently, there were still some things I didn't know about her; like that she has been a diehard fan of Falling in Reverse ever since their career started. It was my sworn duty to tell her everything about Ronnie and the songs and what I talked about with him. I went into as much detail as I was allowed to due to my contract. She wanted me to give her his phone number which I don't have and legally wouldn't have been allowed to give her anyway. For the first time ever, I saw her in this obsessed fan light. I have to admit she scared me a little bit.

"Bro, you're 28, you can't behave like a 15-year-old fangirl," I told her. I was smiling to let her know that I wasn't all that serious.

"Soph, honestly, sometimes you behave like such a grandma. It's like you've never been in love," she rolled her eyes, opening another bottle of beer.

"I have been in love. Mind you, it's been almost a decade since then but at least I knew the guy. How can you be in love with a total stranger??" I asked, taking a sip from my own bottle.

"Ronnie isn't a stranger. I know everything about him," she said, slightly pouting.

"Dude. He has no idea you even exist. I'd call that a pretty standard definition of a stranger," I said.

"Ugh, you're no fun. Where's the Sophie I used to know? The one who would fangirl over One Direction with me in High School?" She poked my side, knowing perfectly well how ticklish I was.

"She grew up," I scoffed.

"Ugh, why are we friends again?" She asked, sitting up from her horizontal position on my pullout sofa.

"Because, my dear Samantha, you love me. And I love you," I smiled at her. Her face softened and she mouthed 'I love you too'.

"Do you still listen to Black Veil Brides?" I asked, remembering the God-awful date I had a couple of months ago. I was so busy moving and processing that he who shall not be named knocked up that woman, I forgot to tell her about any of it. Except the moving part, obviously.

"Yeah, why? Does Andy Biersack also come with your new job?" She asked in a high-pitched voice.

"Thankfully, no," I said. The sound she made can only be described as a disappointed animal-like yowl.

"Before you start attacking me, let me explain my attitude. So, you know how my parents take their summer holidays with another married couple? Apparently, that couple are Andrew Biersack's parents."


"Calm down Sam, or I won't continue," I threatened her. She groaned and did the mouth zipper gesture. I then told her all about meeting Andrew and how our parents partook in a medieval tradition of an arranged date. I also told her about the date and what a rude person Andrew is. She seemed heart-broken by the new information.

"Oh, and by the way. When I was on that date with Andrew, guess who happened to walk into the restaurant."

"Ronnie???" She asked, hopeful.

"Bro, no. I met Ronnie much later. It was Michael and his new girlfriend. You know, the assistant? She looked to be around six months pregnant."


"Yup," I said.

"Didn't he like change your mind about the whole baby thing? I remember you telling me that he didn't want to have any."

"I guess he just didn't want to have any with me," I shrugged.

"How are you so nonchalant about this?" She asked, shaking me.

Cliché (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now