See You Never

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After our agreement, he pretty much left me alone. We each spent the party at different sides of the room. The only other time we interacted was when he congratulated me on a job well done with Ronnie's covers. When the official part of the evening was over, I spent the rest of it outside. Drinking. Mingling. Doodling. I always brought my sketchpad to parties. People dancing together always made interesting shapes and colours. Especially, when the lighting was good.

I felt tired around 11 PM and went inside in search of Samantha. As expected, I found her hanging with Ronnie. I asked her if she was coming home with me, and Ronnie offered to give her a ride later. I said my good-byes and left. I was trying to flag down a cab, but none of them were stopping. Then I felt a familiar presence behind me.

"Want a ride?" He asked me. I don't know why I accepted, but I did.

"You haven't been drinking, have you?" I asked first.

"On a school night? I would never..." he mocked me. I took a deep breath before telling him to lead the way.

"Where do you live? Or did you want me to drop you off at your parents' house?" He asked me when he started the car.

"Oh, God no. Anywhere but there." I fake hurled and he laughed. I gave him my address and he put it in his navigation app.

"And where is your studio?" He asked.

"It's across the street from my place. Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"I want to know where I'll be visiting you some time this week. Or have you already forgotten about your promise to show me your work?" He glanced at me.

"Eyes on the road, Biersack. And no, I have not forgotten about our deal. But I still don't get why you're so set on wanting to see them," I muttered.

"I'll tell you when I see them, can you live with that?" He asked.

"Fine. Will you leave me alone after that?"

"That's impossible for another two years, Miss Williams, and you know that. Unless you get a different job, that is."

"Oh, I bet you'd love that," I said under my breath.

"It may come as surprise to you, but no, I wouldn't love that."

"Right, 'cause you would have to start working with a new designer and that would totally mess with your life," I rolled my eyes.

"You have me all figured out, don't you?" He asked, glancing at me again.

"Of course. I've had you figured out from the moment you stepped into my house."

"Enlighten me, then. Who is Andy Biersack?"

"I don't know if I'm allowed to use that kind of language with a client."

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared out my window. Still, I saw him shaking his head in my peripherals.

"You find this amusing?" I asked him, sharply turning to look at him.

"Not at all. This is all a grand tragedy. I have caused you so much suffering and should pay for all my horrible deeds."

"Now you're starting to get it."

"I'm glad. This is your stop, is it not?" He asked, stopping the car in front of my building.

"Yes. Thanks for the ride. See you never."
I closed the door and waved. He rolled down his window and gave me the most infuriating smirk.

"Now, now. Enough of your wishful thinking. I'll call you by the end of the week. See you around, Sophie."

Cliché (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now