Very Obviously Wrong

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"Colour me impressed," I told him when we returned home, relieved of our nanny duties.

"What do you mean?" Andy asked me.

"I had no idea you were such a good nanny..."

"Ma'am, kids love me. Always have... It's one of those unsolved mysteries and secret talents," he shrugged.

"It's a good talent to have, especially for when we have our own."

"Are you suddenly really into the idea of me being your baby daddy, Sophie?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Perhaps," I said, looking as innocent as ever.

"Do you want to make a baby with me?" He asked, getting down on one knee.

"I would love to, but not just yet. I think my first step should be starting to track my period. And maybe we should both stop smoking first. And no more alcohol. My body needs to be healthy if I want to house a child."

"Well, that's no fun," he stood back up.

"Sorry, babe. It's just how it is. Let's wait until I get my next period and then we'll go from there."

"Okay, fine. Do we stop smoking today?" He asked.

"It would be the wisest decision, yes."

"I sense that there's a but coming," he noted.

"But, maybe we could wait until after the end of your tour..." I suggested.

"Hmm, that sounds like a good idea... We really wouldn't want you to be stressed out during my tour."

"I won't be the only one going cold turkey, Andy."

"Yeah, and I shouldn't be stressed out during my tour either."

"Good point. Okay, deal. We stop smoking on November 1st. And then we can start trying to get pregnant. Deal?" I outstretched my hand. "Deal," he shook it.

The whole baby thing kept lingering at the back of my mind after that conversation. I felt like we were ready for that step. Sure, we weren't always the most responsible of adults, and is a year together enough to determine whether we were compatible enough to be parents? I mean, we were married, so would a child really seal our shared destiny? Of course not. People with kids get divorced all the time. And as of now, I never felt like we would be getting a divorce any time soon. We have a solid relationship. I mean, sure, sometimes we argue about the stupidest things, but when it comes to our values and views, we're almost always in agreement. And if we do happen to disagree, we always talk it out. I trust the man with my life. He's my best friend and there's no one else on the entire planet who was a better match for me. If I am ever to have a family, I want to share that family with Andy. He is my person.

The closer we got to the continuation of his tour, the closer we also got to taking the next step in our lives. It was both exciting and scary at the same time. The first step was getting through the two weeks apart without starting Biersackgate part two. Because everyone knows that sequels tend to be worse than the originals.

We made sure to get seen together every day, and to hang out with his band members at public places. Just in case anyone tried to assume that all was not as it should be. On the day his tour re-started, Andy posted a very sweet photo of us together from the night of my gallery opening. The one with our matching tattoos. I had succeeded in painting it, actually. And he posted a photo of the painting. He captioned it "Until next time," as a reference to those stupid tabloid articles. I found it pretty funny.

When he left, I spent most of my free time with Sam. Theo was growing quickly, and with each day he resembled both of his parents more and more. Every day after work, I visited the future Mrs. Radke (Ronnie proposed on the day they came home from the hospital) and helped her out. Usually, she parked baby Theo in my arms and did everything she wasn't able to do due to having to watch the infant. You might be thinking why she didn't let Theo sleep in his crib while she got stuff done... Well, Theo refused to sleep anywhere except on the arms of the people he deemed worthy. I was one of them. Yes, that is a big flex. I'm just saying. Ronnie spent a lot of his time at the studio, working on new stuff with his band. So, Sam really did need my help. And I liked hanging out with her and the baby anyway, so it was fine. It provided me with less time to miss Andy.

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