Until Next Time, My Dearest

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March ended too soon for my liking. So did April and May. Living with Andy turned out to be the most natural thing I've ever experienced. We were unbelievably compatible, which surprised both of us. If you were to tell me a year ago that this is what my life would look like now, I'd have had you committed to an insane asylum. But here we are. June is starting and with it my break from graphic design and the company. It was a necessary evil if I ever wanted to actually prepare for my art exhibition. The opening is on June 15th, which is in a week, and I still have so many things I need to take care of. Andy leaving for tour on the 16th really isn't helping. We've both been all over the place lately, and definitely very sleep deprived for the past couple of weeks. I was nervous about the opening and even more nervous about Andy leaving. It would be the longest we would be apart since we've started dating. The uncomfortable knot in my stomach grows bigger with each day that passes.

On the 9th, I finalised the concept of the exhibition.

On the 10th, I prepared all the paintings for transport.

On the 11th, Andy and I took a day off and actually enjoyed our day together. We spent all morning in bed, just talking. Then we took a lovely shower together. After that we had coffee, followed by a viewing of the final few episodes of the Buffy marathon. At 6, we had dinner at a restaurant, and after dinner, we went to the cinema. We returned home pretty late, but we didn't want the day to end, so we had a few drinks on our terrace. I had an emotional breakdown before bed, and we fell asleep holding each other.

On the 12th, I spent the day writing all the speeches.

On the 13th, I spent my entire day at the gallery and helped prepare everything for the opening.

On the 14th, I slept through most of the day. I was tired and needed the sleep.

The 15th came and with it a spike in my nervousness. We woke up at 7 AM. I opened my eyes and the first thing I was met with were the blue orbs I have grown to adore. "Morning, babe," he smiled. "Good morning, my love," I smiled and kissed him.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Not at all. You?"

"Do you think that if we just stayed like this forever, the world would just forget about us and let us be?" He asked me.

"We could try," I gave him a sad smile. I cupped his cheek with my left hand and just stared at him. "This isn't creepy at all," he joked. "Shut up. I am having a tender moment here," I muttered. He chuckled and removed a strand of my hair from my cheek. He kissed me and the sweetness that radiated from the kiss spread through my entire body. I felt hot tears prickling my eyes. He rested his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. I closed mine too. The sound of our synchronised breaths made my tears run faster. In less than 24 hours he'd be gone. And I wouldn't see him for two months.

"Hey, don't do that. We agreed that today would be a happy day," he whispered and wiped my tears with his thumb. "But I'll miss you," my voice cracked. "I'll miss you too. But I don't want to think about it. Today isn't about me leaving tomorrow. Today is a celebration of you and your art. Okay?" He said, forcing a smile. "Can't it be both?" I asked. "Only happy tears today, Mrs. Biersack. And that's an order," he joked. "Sir, yes, sir," I said, saluting him awkwardly. It was difficult to do in a horizontal position.

"I'll make us coffee," he said, getting up and leaving me with a cold and empty feeling of dread. It forced me to get up as well. I wanted to spend every possible moment with him today.

"Want to take a shower with me?" I asked him when I joined him in the kitchen.

"Always," he smirked. We waited until the coffee was made and then we took our shower together. When we were both satisfied and dry, we got dressed and took our coffee outside.

Cliché (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now