Chapter 13: Hello, Cousin Sophie

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I had forgotten about that day until the dream. Everything was so different even though it was less than six months ago. Ryan was horrible at driving and now he's pretty good. I had awful layers and I got rid of those. I didn't like Ryan and unfortunately, that changed because lucky me. Sam and Evan just met and now they're practically in love. It was so weird to think where the time had gone.

I could smell the ocean coming through my window and I kept my eyes shut while I stretched my arms out above me. I didn't want to go to training so I was hoping as long as I didn't open my eyes I wouldn't have to go. I realized it wasn't going to work. I'd have to force myself to go because it was important.

"You're so weird when you sleep," a voice commented. "You just smiled, stretched, and laid back down."

"Ah!" I screamed, opening my eyes. It was Ryan who started laughing. "I'm sorry that I don't usually have someone in my room when I wake up in the morning."

I was surprised he hadn't woken me up. I looked at the clock. It was 7:30. I must've been really tired. I jumped out of bed annoyed that no one had woken me up. I started digging through piles of clothes for something to wear.

"Ryan, what are you doing? Don't I have training?"

"You know, you have a very interesting journal," he remarked, swiveling around in my desk chair.

My mouth dropped. How had he found it? I kept it hidden in the lowest drawer of my desk under loads of stuff that no one in their right mind would ever want to sort through. I had so much personal stuff in that journal. Every secret I knew, every thought or opinion I had, everything! There was a lot about Ryan too. My heart was beginning to beat so fast, I thought I was starting to have a heart attack.

"Don't worry I didn't look through it, but now I know you have one so I'll keep that into consideration," he said smirking. I slapped his arm so hard. I was so freaked out. "You must have some pretty interesting stuff in there then?"

I glared at him. "Anyways, don't I have training?"

"You don't have normal training today."

"What do you mean?" I asked with a stink face.

"I let everyone go off and do whatever they wanted."

"Wasn't Blake the leader?"

"Yes. You're not getting the point," he said, annoyed with my I was awoken to my best friend who I have a crush on holding my journal morning attitude. "I'm in charge of your training today and want to know what we're doing?"

I was not ready for this.

"What?" I gritted through my teeth.

"We're going hiking."

He knew that was the one thing I never wanted to do again. My mouth just hung open.


Bethany's POV

I had just come back from my run and was pretty sweaty. My breathing was slowing down to its normal pace but I wasn't sure how much my muscles would like it if I went out surfing later. The waves looked nice today and way better than yesterday but that was good for Hannah at least. I missed her and Alana when I went out surfing with just the guys. Sometimes it was fun to be with a bunch of goofy and laid-back guys where I didn't have to think.

I turned the knob to the front door of our house and walked in. I balanced on the wall with the tips of my fingers because my mom didn't like marks on the white walls and took off my shoes. I placed them under the bench and walked down the hall with my ponytail swaying behind me. As I got closer, I heard laughter. I stopped dead in my tracks. Obnoxious, loud laughter, one distinctively my mom, and coming from the family room meant one thing: relatives.

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