Chapter 25: Epilogue

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This abnormal, strange, and eventful yet amazing summer was coming to an end quickly. The school year was going to start in exactly a week and boy, was I not ready for that. However, Blake wasn't leaving for another two weeks because college started later. Spencer, Sam, and Evan were going to be freaking seniors. Ryan, Bethany, Alana, Brody, Johnny, and I were all going to be juniors.

Everything seemed like it was moving so fast and I just wanted to remember this summer while it still lasted. I wasn't ready to not surf all day, every day — but I knew now that it could be a promising career and take me far.

Tonight, I was wearing a cute yellow dress and Ryan was taking me to a secret undisclosed location for a date. I was blindfolded again, which was horrible when we were in the car, but the minute my heels hit the ground and I took a breath of fresh air, I knew where we were: my favorite place in the whole world.

I walked down that familiar pathway without falter and breathed in the smell of the ocean. I surprisingly didn't fall in my tall heels, which was a win, because knowing myself I would have ruined this romantic moment by twisting my ankle. Then Ryan and I would have to go to the hospital. The whole time I would feel bad for ruining everything but Ryan would reassure me it was okay as long as he was with me yet inwardly thinking "Why am I with this girl again?" He'd tell me that he was not thinking those things and we'd get in a friendly argument and I'd finally give in by kissing him.

It was a hypothetical situation that thankfully didn't occur because I made it down to the sand. Ryan took off the blindfold and I saw a picnic set up on the beach with candles and food. I smiled up at him.

I took off my heels and grabbed Ryan's hand as we walked over to the blanket. Ryan was quite the romantic and he had planned this well because the sun was starting to set beautifully.

After the competition, everything had basically returned to "normal" or whatever we called it now because nothing could ever really be the same, especially in this supposedly laid-back Hawaiian surf town. We were all glad to have ANS back and make more memories there, and everyone had pretty much been enjoying themselves.

Spencer and Bethany were dating, which was adorable. Bethany remained my best friend even though she was dating Spencer. Things weren't weird and didn't change, something I was happy about. That was all that I was scared about but I wouldn't have been able to stop them from dating even if I tried.

Brody had been spending a lot of the remaining time we had left with Alana. Of course, she would visit in the summer but it would be different. We all made sure that we hung out at least every other day as a group to the point of getting sick of one another's presence. But let's face it, I could never get tired of those weirdos.

Sam and Evan couldn't have been happier. Blake was definitely ready to leave and get the hell out of here, but we all knew on the inside that he loved us.

The best part of everything was Johnny had found a girl prettier than Summer and completely whipped. He had accidentally spilled a drink on her during one of Shane's parties and they started talking. She finally made his player ways and attitude vanish. Johnny and Shane had fully made up, and their newest goal was tackling their parents' impeccably high standards together.

As for me and Ryan, I got to spend a lot of time with him. Things were easy and our relationship was growing stronger. I guessed for everyone it wasn't a surprise that we were dating. Our moms were beyond ecstatic. And there we were now.

"At the beginning of the summer, did you ever think we would end up here?" Ryan asked.

We were laying on our forearms next to each other facing the ocean so we could watch the perfect sunset. It was one of those pictures in a dream; me, Ryan, ANS, a sunset, blue water, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, bigger surfing waves farther out, birds flying above, fluffy white clouds.

"No, but that's a good thing," I said smiling. I leaned over and kissed him.

My life was not normal nor perfect, but it was definitely turning out to be a surfers paradise.


It's taken 303 days, but it's finished. I'm really happy I was able to finish it, and I'll definitely miss Hannah, Ryan, and rest of the gang. SUPER BIG thank you to anyone who's read from the beginning!

I really hoped you liked the story and the adventure. Comment, vote, tell your friends!


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