Chapter 17: Confessions - Part I

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Aloha all who read! The next chapter will have a pretty big confession compared to the one in this chapter. Hope you like it though! Vote or comment? I'd really appreciate it! 


With the Fourth of July and all of the pranks over, I had to get back into competition mode. I was determined to beat Miranda, not just for our spot back but also to keep my pride and dignity. Although Miranda had pretty much ruined our entire summer and was putting our favorite surfing spot on the line, I was having a pretty good time. Blake was back, Spencer and Sam were spending one of their last summers well, and I had all of my friends cheering me on at competitions. I mean really, what's not to like?

It was Sunday and I was ready to kick Miranda's sorry ass in this competition. I did my whole pre-competition ritual and stretched on the beach. It was less crowded with competitors than last time because of the cuts but more people had come to watch, adding some extra pressure.

I was stretching my fingers to my toes when I heard a high-pitched laugh. It sounded like one of my friends but I was so far into my "ritual zone" I couldn't exactly tell which one it was. I turned my head around to see Alana's back. She was full-on flirting with this cute, like I mean really cute, guy who fit the characteristics of "tall, dark, and handsome."

I wished that guy was flirting with me. Then I saw Ryan talking to Johnny and Brody, and I remembered, unfortunately, I liked my best friend who would never like me back. I guessed the cliché was true: the heart wants what the heart wants. What the hell was I thinking? Why was Alana flirting with a guy when Brody was right over there?

"Alana, why are you flirting with someone when you have a boyfriend?" I asked, crossing my arms with a disappointed look on my face.

I couldn't believe her but couldn't believe it when I realized it was Bethany! Her new hair had confused me and seeing her blonde made me laugh again.

I started chuckling and said to the guy, "I am so sorry! I thought this was my other friend who has a boyfriend because Bethany's not usually blonde and..."

I realized I was rambling like an idiot in front of this cute guy so I tried to save myself by saying, "Sorry, I'm rambling."

"Nah, it's cute," he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up. I smiled back and we stared at each other for a few seconds.

"So, why don't I introduce you two!" Bethany interjected. I had forgotten this guy had been flirting with Bethany first. "Nathan, Hannah. Hannah, Nathan."

"By the way Nathan, Bethany here is totally single," I said in a loud whisper to him. I gave him a wink in Bethany's direction while she gave me a I cannot believe you just said that look.

"And I'm guessing you're not?" he replied as if it were extremely obvious like my relationship status was written on my forehead. The last time I checked I was single and it wasn't written on my forehead.

"I am?" I asked in confusion. What the hell? I was asking some random guy about my relationship status even though it was crystal clear.

"Really? Could've fooled me by the way that guy over there is giving me a death glare," he said, motioning to the back of someone standing in front of us. Tall, tan, muscular, brown hair. Yep, Ryan was deciding to be my annoyingly overprotective third older brother.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Okay..." he said like he wasn't convinced. Then he and Bethany went back to laughing about something they were previously talking about and I became the awkward third wheel.

"I'm gonna go. See you around Nathan," I said turning around on the heels of my feet.


Alana's POV

"Really?" Hannah asked Ryan as she walked up to us.

"What?" Ryan asked in confusion but I had a feeling he knew exactly what she was talking about like the Hannah mind reader he was.

"You just had to give that guy the death glare?" Hannah asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

My arms were wrapped around Brody and I could feel him laugh. I smiled.

"I'm just looking out for you," Ryan said casually while putting his arm around Hannah's shoulders. She tried to squirm out of it but failed terribly. "Ever since Blake left, you've been in need of another older brother figure."

"First, you and I both know that being the annoying overly protective third brother I never had thing started long before Blake left. Second, you're only two months older than me!"

"Actually 59 days," Ryan added. Hannah shot him a glare and he grinned at her.

I had never noticed before but Ryan and Hannah would have made an adorable couple. She was looking up at him trying to be mad but she looked cute and her blonde hair was going over his arm and he was grinning down at her. I kind of wished they would date, but knowing Hannah she had probably already ruled out that option.


I was sitting on the beach with everyone while Brody had his arm draped over my shoulders. We all watched Hannah compete in her heat. Unfortunately, she and Miranda were together. There were like three heats and of course, they would get put in the same one. The tension was so high and I could feel it even from the beach. Even though we knew what was going on, everyone else could have probably felt the lingering tension between them.

Hannah was doing really well and it looked like her solo training had paid off but Miranda had also stepped up her game. They were both riding good waves and were neck and neck at this point. Miranda was leading and Hannah needed one good wave to push herself ahead.

I was getting so nervous. Hannah had to win.

Brody sensed my nerves and pulled me closer to him. He smelled good, not like the normal pleasant smell of the beach, but some kind of body spray.

"Looks like the Axe worked," Brody smiled satisfied with himself.

I smiled up at him and kissed him lightly. He started to deepen the kiss and I was beginning to melt into heaven. He had never kissed me like that before. The kiss felt like it had more meaning to it but we were sadly interrupted by Ryan.

"She's gonna go for it," Ryan said in anticipation but I also heard his nervousness. I looked at the water and saw what looked like Hannah going for a 360.

I had to admit 360s were difficult. We could all do them better than the average surfer but it took the right wave, certain timing, and precision to get it just right so you didn't wipe out in the water. Occasionally your timing was wrong, your precision was off the slightest bit, or the wave wasn't perfect and it wouldn't work. I was praying it wouldn't happen to Hannah. She started riding the wave as normal but compressed the board down on the wave to build momentum. Then she was up in the air, projecting her board forward and spinning into a 360.

Land it, I screamed in my head, and she landed it perfectly. We all stood up and cheered. I was so proud of her. She was so brave for taking on Miranda and the look of shock on Miranda's face was priceless.


Spencer's POV

If I had to listen to Bethany laugh hysterically one more time at one more of Nathan's unfunny jokes, I was going to lose it. Thankfully when Hannah did that 360, it gave me something to pay attention to and get my mind off of Bethany. Oh wait, what did I leave out? Oh yeah, I liked my little sister's best friend and she was flirting with some lame guy right behind me. Life was great!

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