Chapter 19: Wouldn't Be a Shane Party Without Drama

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"Come on," Bethany whined.

"No," I replied with finality from underneath my covers.

"Hannah!" Bethany said in a stern mother-like voice.

I lifted the covers down slightly and replied smugly, "You'll make a great mom one day."

She crossed her arms and frowned. Her mom drove her so crazy. It was almost hilarious to watch. I didn't get why she didn't like her. Her mom was awesome and they were so alike even though Beth hated to admit that they had any similarities.

"B, she doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to," Alana interjected from where she was sitting at the end of my bed.

"No, she has to go," Bethany said with unwavering stubbornness. I never thought I was the life of the party. That role was designated to Bethany.

"I don't want to," I cut into the conversation.

I hadn't told my friends what had happened with Ryan because I wasn't entirely sure myself. I didn't want to see him at a party because I had slept all day, not wanting to confront my wavering emotions. I said I needed time to think, which honestly sounded stupid but was the truth. I liked it when all of my emotions were stacked neatly and right now they were jumping around on a pogo stick.

Bethany walked out of my room and down the hall. I relaxed a little. Finally, she was going to stop bugging me and go to the party then I could go back to sleep. Of course, her being Bethany and exactly like a mom, she did the opposite of what I wanted.

I could hear her heels clicking against our wood floors in the direction of my room. Oh no. I sunk lower into my bed and pulled the covers back over my face. When she came back into sight, I saw that she was dragging Spencer into my room by the sleeve of his turquoise Billabong shirt. Finally, he was wearing that thing most guys wore called a shirt when my friends were around.

"What do you need me for?" Spencer asked once Bethany let go of his shirt.

He didn't see me and raised his eyebrows suggestively at Bethany. Seriously? She was my best friend and in my room.

"I need you to get Hannah to come with us to a party," Bethany said, brushing off his comment with an eye roll. I wished I could be that smooth and confident.

"Who's going?" he asked.

"Johnny, Ryan, Brody. You know the usual."

Spencer made eye contact with me and I gave him a if you tell her anything about what you "saw" yesterday I will murder you in your sleep look. I knew he and Blake had gotten the gist of what happened but they hadn't pushed for anything. That was one perk of having two older brothers: they were terrified of confrontation and emotions. I think living in a household that was three-fifths male had rubbed off on me because I was scared of confronting my own emotions.

"If her friends are going to be there, have you asked why she doesn't want to go?"

"Why didn't I think of that before?" Bethany asked sarcastically. "Of course, I did! She said she's 'tired.'"

"She has been working really hard lately," Spencer said in my defense. His presence was helping me out for a change!

"She slept like all day according to Blake and parties aren't meant to be hard. They're supposed to be relaxing and fun," Bethany said, trying to be enthusiastic. However, she was about as enthusiastic as a mom when it was time to go to the dentist.

"Fine, if you'll stop bugging me I have an idea," he finally said.

I was not ready for more of Spencer and his "ideas." Bethany was still blonde.

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