Chapter 20: The Aftermath

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Only a couple more chapters left I'm thinking like 4 or 5? Lots more is going to be resolved. Comment and vote!


I had to admit even though I had just punched my stronger, taller older brother right in front of everyone including my hot ex-girlfriend, it felt pretty good. My hand didn't even hurt. Shane stumbled back in surprise while Summer had a look of shock on her face.

"What is wrong with you?" Shane shouted at me.

Was he serious?

"What is wrong with me?! You just made out with my ex-girlfriend!" I yelled back.

"Ex," he emphasized staring directly at me.

His intimidation game wasn't going to work on me this time. So, I said the one terrible thing I had always wanted to say after all the years of being second best to the perfect prodigy son Shane Anderson, "I can't believe I call you my brother."

That's when he punched me right in the face. It would be a lie if I said I wasn't surprised and it also would have been a lie if I said that it didn't hurt. I was only slightly drunk at that point so I was able to bounce back pretty fast. My blood was pumping full of adrenaline as I tackled him to the ground and started punching him. It felt so good to finally do that. He had put me through so much all of these years.

I hated how my parents treated us differently. Punch. I hated how I was always in Shane's shadow. Punch. I hated how no one but me saw who he truly was and he got to look perfect to everyone. Punch. I hated how he was the perfect son that everyone wanted. Punch. I hated how I couldn't live up to his reputation. Punch.

Let's just say I had a lot of anger toward my brother bottled up ever since he had left for college. I could have kept going all night and come up with even more reasons why my brother was a huge jackass but he managed to push me off of him. We both got up and he started shoving me, asking me what my problem was when Bethany stepped in between us with her hands on both of our chests to keep us from doing any further damage.

"Both of you need to stop!" she said sternly. She was going to be a good mom and at that moment I couldn't help but smirk.

"Don't even comment!" she snapped at me. Then she said to both of us, "You need to sort out whatever problems you both are having because you are supposed to be brothers for crying out loud!"

"Bethany—" I started to say but was cut off.

"Don't Bethany me, Johnny. Both of you to the side yard now and so help me God if you guys start fighting again, I will personally call Lori," Bethany warned. "She wouldn't like to see her expensive vase from Italy on your front lawn, would she?"

We both slumped our shoulders knowing she was right. Compared to Bethany, our mom would kill both of us and make the rest of the summer hell. Bethany smiled knowing she was right while I couldn't believe she'd stoop as low as pulling the "Lori card."

"There's nothing to see here people!" she yelled at the crowd that had formed around us. They all dispersed and went back to the party.

She looked at both of us still standing there and shooed us with her hands. "Get going."

"Fine," we muttered together.

We went to the side yard and Shane crossed his arms while leaning against one of the cars parked in the driveway.

"I can't believe you're friends with that chick. I mean she's got a nice ass but—"

"Are you kidding me right now? You are such a dick," I scoffed.

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