Chapter 21: Patience

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"We've got a lot of work to do if you want to restore your cleaner self. You'll have to be cleansed immensely, you know?"

"I know the consequences of being cleansed to become my former self, I am ready, as I have been for the past seven years. You were there for it all, you were there to bare witness, yet you did nothing. This is the least you could do for me. I have saved you from the Devil's clutches more times than you and I can count these past four years. Do me a favor and kindly cleanse me- please," I replied confidently.

My dark side's hollow eye sockets seemed emptier than normal. Almost sad. Her eyebrows knitted together as she sighed. Though I couldn't exactly tell if she closed her eyes or not, I could tell she was contemplating what I had just said in reply to her warning. She knew I was right, though.

"I want something in exchange for this. This is a big thing I'm about to do for you that will never pay up for what you've done in the past for me, but I still want something out of this," She whispered in a declarative tone.

"We make deals like this all the time, you should know that my answer to your desires will always be a yes. So what is it you want in exchange for you cleansing me?" I asked.

"I want a name," My dark side replied. "I don't want to be just your 'dark side'. We're partners, so instead of being called 'dark side', I would like you to give me a name if you will," She continued.

"You're correct in a sense. We are partners. But you, nor I, were given a choice. That being said, I shall give you a name. You've gone without a name for far too long," I stated clearly, contemplating my dark side's new name.

"Whatever name you would like to give me, Master," My dark side pleaded.

"Hmm. I shall name you-," I drew out my sentence, searching for a name in my mind before I found one shortly. "Kurayami. Meaning, 'deep darkness'. I think it suits you," I shook my head and chuckled when I saw Kurayami smile to the best of her ability.

That was the first time I smiled in years. I almost forgot how to smile.

"It's nice to see you smile again, Master. It makes me happy," Kurayami bowed lightly.

"So how do you like your new name?" I asked thoughtfully.

"I love it! You're right as usual, Master. Kurayami does suit me, thank you," Kurayami thanked me over and over again.

"Now let's get down to business," Kurayami and I nodded our heads in unison.

Kurayami strode over to me in two quick steps, placing her right hand on my left shoulder before placing her thumb on my forehead. Her eyebrows furrowed together again before she asked;

"Are you ready? This is going to hurt- a lot due to how cold and dark you've become," Kurayami sounded reluctant.

"I'm ready. Do it," I whispered.

Suddenly, I saw a glowing, almost blinding light come from Kurayami's empty eye sockets. She applied pressure to my shoulder and forehead firmly. I felt pain surround my entire body, but it wasn't enough to shriek in pain. It felt more like needles were being stuck in me more than a knife slashing my body. I didn't scream, there was almost no pain, I only winced at the sudden sensation.
After the needle sensation had passed, it soon felt like I had electricity flowing through my entire body. It felt as if I was being electrocuted, but it didn't hurt. I almost liked the sensation of being electrocuted. I closed my eyes and let Kurayami do her thing. Once I opened my eyes, I saw that the glowing from Kurayami's faded until all I saw were the same bored, small white orbs that served as eyes.

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