Chapter 18: Golden Hour On Cherry Avenue

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The only thing that never leaves...

And that's why the dark is my only friend when it comes to these torturous night terrors...

The voices in my head won't stop.

They won't shut up...


Leave me alone...


Leave me alone, please!


Please, please stop!






Stop it, please!


No! I'm not a mons-!

*scream* "MOOOOOMMMM!!!"

A bloodcurdling scream erupted from the darkness, absolving me from the shame of what the voices cried out, but now introduced me to the guilt that was sure to come sooner or later.

"Sweetie, what happened to you?!"

"S-she hurt me! She's a monster!"

I looked down at my hands to see a thick, red substance stain my fists. The blood of the boy who bullied me dripped down onto the concrete floor. The boy was jacked up like Hell. He had black and deep purple bruises vandalizing his face and body, blood seeping from the deep cuts I gave him. His left eye was bleeding and had three bloody claw marks that made him go blind in his left eye.

His eyes were watery and full of pain, if I had any word to describe what he felt, it wouldn't just be one word. The boy's face literally spelled out 'traumatized', 'terrified', 'regretful', 'pained'.

I looked down at the boy to see his mauled complexion being cupped by his mother's large, pale hands. The mother looked up at me with tears in her eyes, she started screaming something incoherent. My eyes flicked down occasionally to look at my bloody hands. I had a blank expression on my face as I was close to blacking out. My expressionless look seemed to make the mother even more pissed off.

The tall, blonde haired, blue eyed woman in a business suit marched towards me, striking me hard across the face. My head whipped to the side, my long, white hair following my movements. Suddenly, my instincts kicked in. My waist length, snowy hair turned to a deep raven black as my eyes went from an opal white and crystal violet, to red on black hues. My big, white angelic wings turned into black, mini demon-like wings.

Soon after most of my transformation was complete, my skin turned completely black and a demon tail grew out of my backside. I dodged the woman's second attempt to slap me, grabbing her wrist and using my free hand to put pressure against her weak spot. The woman cried out in pain even though I was using very little pressure. I quickly let go, letting the woman face-plant on the concrete. I looked back at the severely injured boy to see his face full of utter horror.

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