Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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"911, what's your emergency?"

"My mother is being abused by my drunk father. I need the police right away."

"Okay, Miss, what is the address?"

"The address is 2257 Cypress Boulevard."

"We are sending our patrol cars right now, Miss. Just sit tight."

A few minutes later

I could hear the sirens, I could see a slight glow of red and blue lights glowing in the distance. I could just barely hear the police cars and ambulance, since I was only a couple of streets down from my house. I ran in the direction of my house, stopping a block away to see my father with cuffs secured around his wrists tightly with his hands behind his back while he was escorted to a police car to be searched and put in the back. I ran up to my mother and hugged her tightly once I saw her walking out of the house with her hands up. 

"Miss, step back! This is a crime scene!"

I backed up with my hands up as the police started taking my mother and I'd statements. After they finished taking our statements and asking questions, the police left and we were left to our devices. I wrapped one of my black wings around my mother to shield her from the cold as I walked her inside. I placed my backpack at the door as I started making us some tea before cleaning up the broken pieces of vases, glass, etc. I unscrewed the broken doors and carried all three of them on my shoulder, taking them to the dumpster outside. My sore, lean body finally got a break as I went inside and started making the tea how we liked it before I sat down with my mom and started drinking my tea with her.

'The silence is loud without him here. It's...quiet and peaceful. We're safe,' I thought to myself as my body relaxed and I took a sip of my piping hot tea.

I glanced in my mom's direction and started rubbing her back with my unnaturally cold hands.

"Your hands are cold," My mother mulled as she took my hands in hers and warmed them with her soothing, warm hands.

We finished our tea and saw that my mother fell asleep. I took her tea cup, taking both of ours to the kitchen. They made a soft 'clink!' sound as I placed them inside the sink. I crept back to my mother and placed a blanket over her frail, small body. I examined her further. I noticed how we both looked nearly identical. Our medium length, 4a hair, our freckles and deep dimples, our nose shape, our lip shape, our dark skin, everything. The only differences was that she had deep, ebony skin, while my skin was more of dark chocolate and the fact that her eyes were a gorgeous pear green, while mine were a bright amber. I grabbed a pillow for my mother and lifted her head gently as I placed the pillow underneath her head. I slept on the floor and covered myself with a thin blanket.

A new beginning, a fresh start...

I made breakfast for my mother before she woke up and surprised her with breakfast in bed before I started packing a large duffel bag with clothes and my hair care, skin care, etc. I said goodbye to my mother and told her I would be back tonight to check on her and pack the rest of my things. I had my duffel bag in one hand and my backpack slung over my muscle toned shoulders. 

I whipped out my phone, put my headphones on, and started listening to my favorite song. It somewhat soothes my nerves, knowing that my mother is safe, and my father in custody. But I can't help but wonder what happened when I left. I finally arrived to the gates of UA High and allowed a small smile to creep onto my face. I immediately feeling this overwhelming, exciting feeling wash over me. I was going to the most prestigious school in Japan! I was finally going to be normal and accepted.

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