Chapter 5: Training Day Part 2

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The next day, Adi and I were tired from staying up all night once again to watch movies and binge different series on Netflix. We exited my dorm room after using the bathroom and went to the ground floor, which is where the kitchens, laundry rooms, sitting rooms, etc were. We went into one of the kitchens and saw Jirou making coffee. She greeted us and we greeted her back. Adi and Jirou started chatting while Adi and I made breakfast. I was a few feet from them and put my headphones on before playing my favorite playlist. I made breakfast for myself and waited for Adi as I took bites of my breakfast. Once Jirou and Adi were done talking, we bid Jirou goodbye and went back upstairs where we got ready.

The time was 5:37 am, homeroom started at 8:25 am. Adi went in the bathroom to shower and change first since I took the longest due to my hair and skin routine. After Adi was done, I went in the bathroom to shower and do my routines. I took my time doing my skin and hair care routines, even though I had a lot of steps for each. My routines were therapeutic for me, so I took my time and enjoyed taking care of myself instead of considering it just another thing to do.

I exited the bathroom and went into my walk-in wardrobe to change into my uniform. I checked my phone and saw that the time was 6:23 am. I sighed and decided to work out and let my wings stretch before I change into my uniform.

"Hey, Adi, I'm gonna go to the rooftop and work out. I'll be back in a bit," I say as I put on my track suit before I fly to the rooftop.

I land on my feet gracefully and start working out. I revealed my wings, letting them stretch until they were relieved of tension. I put large holes in the track suit, but that didn't matter. I smiled as I started doing the gymnastics moves my auntie taught me. Every move I made was graceful and elegant, just like Auntie taught me. I took a break to catch my breath and finally noticed the beautiful sunrise. I stood there, my breath uneven and heavy, with my hands on my wide, round hips. I watched the sun as it slowly rose from its peaceful slumber to greet me with its warm, soft smile. I flinched when the light from the sun hit my big, amber irises. I blocked the sun with my slim hand and slowly introduced the sunlight to my eyes.

I started to remember when I had seen the sunlight for the first time in years and suddenly had a flashback. I was back in the laboratory, hugging my knees as my bare feet were greeted by the cold, metal floor. I looked around and everything was white, the only hint of color being the gray, metal floors. A deafening alarm sounded and my door unlocked before beginning to open slowly. I instantly realized what was happening and stood up. There was a security breach at the laboratory.

The two guards also realized what was happening and grabbed my arms, trying to keep me in my cell without injuring me. They easily picked me up and shoved me onto my uncomfortable bed. One of them held me down while the other got a tranquilizer for me. My eyes widened when I saw the needle and kicked the guard who was on top of me, making him clutch his stomach and genitalia. I ripped the key from his waistband and unlocked my shock/power draining collar. I ripped it off just as the other guard was about to inject the tranquilizer into my neck from behind.

I grabbed his hands and head butted him before ramming his head into the wall behind him. I got out of my cell and closed the door on them. I dashed through what seemed like endless corridors of white walls and metal floors. My heart was pounding in my head and my adrenaline was high. After getting out of the solitary area, I darted past all of the other experiments and prisoners in their cells who either respected me or feared me because I killed their friends in matches, as to avoid anyone who might want to fight me.

Some people were egging me on to fight them so they could get justice for me killing their friends, and some were rooting for me to run and beat the guards' asses while I was at it. Just as people were egging me on, a group of guards surrounded me from in front and behind while in the tight corridor. On my left was the railing, which protected us from falling hundreds of flights down to the ground floor, which was where the lunch rooms, commissary, showers, and other places were. On my right were a few prisoners who respected me and were shouting for me to beat their asses.

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