Chapter 2: Secrets

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"So, what is the reason you called me for?"

I already knew what she called me for, I just needed to try and play it off.

"I need to have a chat with you."


"What is your background, I know that you have multiple quirks. Powerful ones at that."

I gulped, I was breathing shakily at this point, not knowing what to do or say. For the first time in my life, I froze.

"I...I can't and most certainly will not say."

"Sweetie, I just wanna hear it from you. The principle, the school board and I already know who you are."

"Shhh! If...if they find me again I might not live to see another day this time!"

"Sweetie, you can tell me. I'm need to hear it from you so I know the best approach from here."

I was now slightly shaking, frozen from the fear, it was like everything was cold and dark. I got a flashback from 10 years ago. I was captured and taken to a laboratory to be an experiment. I was experimented on for ten years.

"Dear, are you okay?"

I hesitated, knowing what will happen to me, but I didn't care at this point.

"My name is Naoko Kasumi. The rest is for me to know and for everyone else to find out," I spat defensively.

"Sweetie, nobody's going to hurt you here. You're safe."

"We both know that's not true."

"Honey, take my advice. The more people that know, the more people will protect you."

"I'll think about it. But there's no guarantee I'll come close to anyone here," I said in a more serious tone. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat lunch."

"Of course, Miss Kasumi." Ms. Midnight bowed gracefully as she excused me.

"Just call me Naoko."


"Have a good day, Ms. Midnight."

"You too, Naoko."

At this time, I almost regretted going to UA High.

'How much do they know? What's going to happen next? Am I actually going to let myself spill what I've hidden ever since my escape?'

Slowly walking towards the rooftop, I pondered my decisions, it feels like I'm in a movie at this point.

'Heh, I can't believe myself.'

'I can't believe you either.'

'Shut up.'

I opened the door to the rooftop, trying to find an empty, quiet place to think. I thought I had found a quiet, empty place by one of the AC systems until I saw Adi, my best friend since 8th grade. We greeted each other warmly and started catching up, knowing that it's been far too long since we've spoken. I invited her over to my dorm later that evening for a sleep over and she happily agreed. I smiled softly as we ate lunch together in a comfortable silence. Later that evening, after school, Adi informed me that she would be paying a visit to her parents before coming over and I understood.

I changed into my pajamas and set up a large fort before going on my laptop and watching YouTube. I stood up and got a small snack and a Coke since I forgot to do so earlier and continued watching YouTube. A few hours later, I heard a knock on my door and got up to open it. I smiled with my glistening white teeth and let my sharp canines show as I saw it was Adi, already dressed in her pajamas with a blanket and plushie in her hand. I invited her inside and we both squealed as we hugged. I offered her tea and she accepted. As soon as Adriana sat down, I asked her a question.

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