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I looked up from my computer screen to see my parent's shadows against the wall, making harsh gestures.

'They're fighting...again,' I thought to myself.

I finally decided that I would put on my headphones to listen to music. The sound of my mother's blood curdling screams made me jump out of my skin. I slowly crawled off of my bed and tiptoed to my door. I pulled the door open quietly and peeked through the small gap to see what was going on. I saw bruises on my mother's frail body from the week before and a fresh, bright red mark on her face. She glanced over at me, trying to not let my father notice she was looking at me.

"Naoko, come here!" My father's voice boomed.

I knew what was coming. I needed to run before he did the same thing to me, maybe even worse.

"Run, Naoko....RUN!" My mother yelled, her eyes wide with terror.

I heard my father stomping in the kitchen and slammed the door shut before putting a stool against the knob and locking the door.

"Naoko, don't make me say it again! Come here!" I knew immediately my father was drunk.

'Run!' My mind was telling me.


I could hear my father pounding on the wooden door and screaming from the other side. I knew this would happen at some point, ahead of time I had already packed some clothes, food, my wallet, my phone, chargers, headphones and laptop. I also kept a collection of weapons in my bag in case this situation would occur.


'Shit, shit shit!'

"ONE...!!" I could hear my father counting down.

"TWO...!!!" I had opened the window and just before leaving, I said good-bye silently, a tear rolling down my cheek.


'Oh no...'

I heard the door breaking. I could hear my mother screaming. I could practically see the look in my fathers eyes. But before he got the chance to break down the door, I was gone. It had started to drizzle when I ran away from my home. I pulled my hoodie over my medium length, black 4a hair and ran until I couldn't breathe. After a while, I abruptly stopped in the middle of the empty, wet street.

"What am I going to do?" I felt more and more stray tears trickling down my face.

I could feel the rage boiling just beneath my skin as I thought of what he would do to my mom next. I turned to run back before I remembered what was waiting for me there.

"I'll get you out of there. And I'll make sure he never hurts you again," I spat.

Turning back around the opposite way of where I came from, I slowly started to walk again. After a couple of steps forward, I looked up to see the night sky. The moon was glowing in a comforting way. I held out my hand to feel the raindrops. The rain was so soothing, if only aunty were here to enjoy it.

Looking back at what was in front of me, I saw a dimly lit park just a couple blocks from where I was. The rain had now started to settle down to a few drops. By the time I got to the park there was barely any rain and the park was pitch black. After a couple minutes of wandering around the park, I spotted a bench. 

It was better than nothing. I laid down, thinking of what was to come. I had no place to go. I then remembered that I would be going to UA High tomorrow. I didn't take the entrance exam, since I'm coming in a bit later than everybody else and had gotten a recommendation. Well, more like a free pass in because of my history in my opinion.

I had gotten in through recommendations from All Might. All Might, in his normal, homeless, drug-addict looking form, saw me training one day and thought I had potential. I have no clue what he could've possibly seen in me, but I'm grateful for it, I'd do just about anything to get out of this place. I was already given my uniform, dorm number, home room, and locker number. I heard my stomach growl and decided that it was time for some food. I hadn't eaten in days due to father spending all the money we had for the month on alcohol. As I was strolling down the avenue, I glanced to my right and saw a place where they sold Ramen.

For some reason we weren't allowed to have Ramen at my house. I tried to ask my mum, but she would just shrug. Almost jogging down the street, I walked up to the window and saw that it was closed.

'Aw, man...I wanted to try Ramen.'

Just as I thought that, I saw a woman in her late twenties sweeping around the establishment. She noticed me shivering from being in my damp clothes in the cold and motioned me in. I quickly waltzed into the restaurant, immediately being embraced by the immensely warm air and the friendly woman.

"Oh dear, you're shivering! Come in, come, come!"

I looked around the restaurant, taking in the beautiful golden Japanese patterns and traditional Japanese paintings.

"I'm the store owner, my name is Hina. Hina Akemi."

"Hi. My name is Naoko Kasumi." I said sheepishly to the kind woman, bowing gracefully, my hair sticking to the sides of my face.

"It's very nice to meet you, Naoko. Please, take a seat!"

"Thank you."

"Now, I know a hungry customer when I see one," She said as she made a fresh bowl of Ramen for me. 

I inhaled the Ramen and sighed with satisfaction, thank her humbly. As soon as Hina took the bowl and cleaned it, I tried to pay her the Yen I owed her, but was respectfully stopped by Hina's large, pale hand.

"Keep it, you look like you need it more than I do."

"Thank you, Miss Hina!"

"Of course! Come back any time! Bye!"

"Bye, I'll see you soon!"

Walking into the pitch black darkness once more, I searched and searched until I found an abandoned building just a few blocks down the street. It was dry, that's all that mattered to me. Taking off my hoodie, revealing my huge, raven black wings, I sat down and started to settle in for the night. When I made sure that no one was going to see me, I lit a fire using my Holy Flames. I laid down, just as I had on the bench previously. But, before I went to bed, I texted my mom.

'Mom! Mom, please answer!' my frantic message read.

I sat with my face stuck to the bright screen. 

No answer.

"I'm calling the police," I mumbled to myself.

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