The Backstory

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𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Hi, my name is- ah- you can call me Narrator. This may or may not be chapter 1 but I know that I'll be introducing you a story that had a bad beginning. This story started with two 2nd graders rushing to class and accidentally bump each other causing Y/n to trip and fall on Walker...

"Watch where you're going!" He Irritatedly said as he was standing up "Sorry!" She quickly apologized and ran away to class.

And then another day, but this time, Walker bumped into her while going to the playground for recess "Sorry-" "Now you watch where you're going!" Walker rolled his eyes and continued walking to the playground

Well guess what? It kept happening again and again and again and again and again and- you know, and along with other problems like misunderstandings, misinformation, jealousy, and etc. that caused serious problems with their relationship...


Until they reached highschool where they are now the two most popular and only actors in the school... Now, I'd tell you more but it'll ruin the surprise.

We may not see each other again until the very end of the story but I assure you that this series of unfortunate events will come to an end very soon...

Hope you get the reference.

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