Chapter 9

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𝙔/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

We searched the nearest shopping mall we could find and drove off. I was sitting in between the two boys and they were suffocating me to death.

"I'm sure there's a lot of space if you guys just-"
"Don't even mention it" Walker said
"Who cares what you say??"
"Who cares what you say??"

I was about to full on blast on this guy "Hey, hey, hey quit the argument about sayings" Finn commanded, or at least he tried.

"Mind your own business!"
"Mind your own business!"

We synchronized. Finn raised his eyebrows in shock and side-eyed us as he turned his head towards the window for peace. We all stayed quiet after that.

After that very awkward 30 minute drive, we finally got out the taxi and explored. The mall is like any other ordinary mall to be honest. People, shops, noise.

We went in a random clothing store that had some pretty decent outfits. I searched the store not really planning on buying anything until I found the most utterly amazing outfit that went well with the Valentine's theme.

(Insert outfit description) (I'm letting y'all pick the outfit). I had to buy it. I jogged to the cashier and do be damned bumped on the very much not iconic Walker.

He was so used to it that he didn't even bother to look up who it is and flipped me off "Since you're going to the cashier, here's Finn and I's clothes" I scoffed at his actions and continued my way to the cashier.

I was about to pay until the guy on the cashier said, "Wanna meet me later after my shift?" I was very caught of guard about the sudden question "Excuse me?" I asked, starting to get uncomfortable

"What's your number? I already got plans for us later" he looked at me up and down "I don't even know yo-" "We could crash into my place and-" "Sir, I'm a minor" I voiced getting anxious

Before he could say anything Finn and Walker started to walk towards me. I put on my I-need-help-you-dumbasses face, and Walker seemed to notice and his face got serious and walked faster. Finn, not seeming to get the sign, followed Walker confusingly. I sigh and rolled my eyes at his obliviousness. Knowing me all my life for my enemy to save my life.

"Why hello there" Walker said in a sweet tone I've never heard my entire life. He slide his hand around my waist which caused me to tense up and fix my posture. The cashier guy looked annoyed "I'll just pay for this, no change needed, get the bag full of clothes and bye!" He pushed me out the store by my waist with a shocked and confused Finn following us.

"I'm slow. What's wrong?" Finn questioned. We both stared at him blankly "Stop with that stare you're freaking me out. " he demanded "You are so fucking clueless" Walker started walking which also caused me to walk too 'cause his hand is still on my waist. I practically tried not to die from butterflies.

He jogged, trying to catch up

"Why are you not telling me?"
"After all those years you knew me just for my nemesis to save my life"
"Was he trying to kill you or something???"
"I can't believe how oblivious you are"

Finn groaned "I'll tell you on the way to the hotel" Walker insisted, which made Finn sigh basically saying 'fine' and 'oh come on' at the same time.

By the time we found a taxi, Walker just now noticed he was still holding my waist and quickly removed it and scratched the back of his neck. I found it very much funny although I am a respectful woman and will try not to laugh my ass off.

We hopped on and drove away.

A/n: finally another update?? Well here ya go folks. I tried to make them  actually hate each other more but with more chemistry and drama at the same time... I'm giving my best to actually make the story interesting and entertaining without going out of the plot 😭

Well um let's see about that. See you guys next chapter!!!

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