Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV:

Another day of filming

Mason and I grew closer—by all means, also physically—due to the amount of scenes we have with only us together. We hang out a lot and treat each other like we've known each other since birth.

He came up to me after filming a few scenes, "I wanna go to the snack place inside the hotel again." His straightforward-ness startled me a bit, but I managed to reply, "Is this an invitation to eat with you?" I raised my eyebrows "Obviously" Mason grabbed my wrist and pulled me all the way back to the hotel.

Although the place was pretty much empty, there had to be just one guy sitting and it just happened to be Walker.

We sat two tables away from his, Mason insisting to just bring the desserts to me as I stay here and wait. We bonded, discussed, and laughed for a while whilst we enjoy our food, but I couldn't really ignore Walker's piercing eyes staring right through us

Damn it, Walker. What do you want?

I felt uneasy, picking on my food instead. Mason picked up quickly "What's wrong?" I looked up at him, but eyes only maneuvering around "Nothing's wrong." I respond. He sighed, "There's definitely something going on though. You suddenly look down. Did I make you uncomfortable?"

My ears perked up as I quickly deny it "No, no. Definitely not. I just feel tired." I lied, but he believed it anyway. He brushed it off, still unsure though.

I glanced over Walker on time, his eyes were already on me. Though he didn't break eye contact, but his eyes spoke that he looked somewhat upset or is it just how he looks... Before turning his body fully away from us as if he weren't just eyeing us like a hawk.

What is he doing? Does he think it's cool? Did he have to do that?

It was all quite a mess, but I tried not to think about it too much. I just wanted to focus on the present. I'm with Mason, I shouldn't think about Walker!!! I'm probably just overthinking it!!!

A/N: Rushing the story :,) I already do have a plan, but I don't know how to not make it seem like a rushed chapter. I'd have to research more on that ://

Next chapter is probably Walker's POV

Anyways I'll try to finally finish this! Stream Percy Jackson! 💙💙💙

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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