Chapter 7

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𝙔/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

After a week of filming, we've finished quite a lot of scenes. We're up to the point where Mason, Walker, and Finn's character have reached to the mirror dimension where my character ended up in when she got sucked in the black hole.

Honestly, it's been great not really having to act for a few days. I've been hanging out with Timothee a lot and hey, he's not too shabby... Just kidding, he's MARVELOUS.

We went on short trips everyday. One time he thought it was a good idea to sleigh down a short sandy hill on the beach but guess what, he ended up having sand full in his shorts.

Right now I'm in my pajamas watching Mason, Walker, and Finn film their scenes. I do this every morning and dump them the rest of the day just to annoy them.

"And, action!"

(Filming their scene)

"You go in first" Owen insisted. They were fighting who's gonna go through the creepy street first

"No you!" Axe smiled but had warning eyes

"I'll go first ya scardy cats" Theo unhesitantly walked but when he took the first step and heard a strange noise, "Yeah, no. You guys should go first cause I'm out"

"Scardy cat" both Owen and Axe mocked him "Rolling my eyes so hard that I can see my brain" Theo rolled his eyes

*fast forward to the finish cuz idk what else to put*

"Great job guys!" I said and stood up. I was about to walk away until Finn yelled, " Yeah, yeah, and leave us here again? Nuh uh not today, missy" "but whyyy" I whined

Walker suddenly walked pass us saying, "Finn wants you to go to the Valentine's party tomorrow and is going to take you shopping with him later at noon" I turned to look at Finn, giving him a cold stare

"Do I really have to???" I added "yes, you don't socialize much. I just want you to meet other people" He explained, I scoffed "Come on, pleaseeeeeeee" begged Finn "FINE" I groaned "YES" he exclaimed

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from the set "Get ready by 5!" Finn yelled "Shut up please! I wanna sleep" I shouted back.

A/n: thought I'd sneak one chapter before I leave you all desperate. Now wish me luck on my exams this week. Buh byeeeee🫀🫀 (yes that's an actual heart.)

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