Chapter 1

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𝙔/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I woke up at 7:39 am and my class starts at... 8:00 am!? I changed my clothes and rushed downstairs to meet my brother "Late for school?" Nick smirked

I rolled my eyes and said a quick bye and rushed out of our house. Yeah, it's cool living with your 2 brothers, but it's sometimes annoying.

I rode my bike, peddling fast until I arrived. I checked my watch--7:46 am damn I'm so fast

I ran inside the school and bumped into someone I expect to bump into everyday...

"Watch it, Wolfhard" Walker said annoyed "Shut up, Scobell. Should be used to it by now" I growled "Woah, woah, woah. Watch it, children" Finn said, startling me

"Aren't you supposed to be in class by now?" "Aren't you too?" I looked at him irritated "I woke up late! " "You will be if you keep talking!!" Finn said slowly walking away

I sighed "whatever" I mumbled, bumping into Walker's shoulder again...

If you're wondering why Finn's here, we live in a whole large campus. Disastrous indeed.

I entered English class a bit late but a bit early so I sat down at beside my bestfriend, Celeste.

"How was your audition for 'Beneath the surface'?" She immediately spoke. I auditioned in the weekends for the 2nd main role. Doubt I'd be picked "Hi to you too, Celeste" I said

She had a toothy grin on her face which creeped me out "What?" I questioned, absolutely terrified "One of Walker's friends told me-" "AKA your boyfriend since 3rd grade" I pointed out

"Hey! He's nice" She defended "It's literally disgusting" I complained, half sarcastic "Whatever. Anyways, I heard Walker auditioned for the side role" She squealed

"At least it's the side role, I don't wanna kiss him" I said "But seriously you two would be cute, and remember what I said about him" She teased, I couldn't help but smile a bit "Whatever. Class is starting"

Guess I have a lot of explaining to do. Apparently I have the tiniest winiest crush on Walker, and about what Celeste said, her so called boyfriend told her that in first grade, as soon as he caught my eye, he was mesmerized but apparently he hates me... Moving on.

School did NOT fly by like a bird. In fact, it was slower than a turtle, but it has finally come to an end.

I waited for Finn outside the school so we could bike home together. He says he would rather bike with me than driving with his cool car without me. Sweet indeed.

I saw Walker walk out of school and stared a bit. His blonde hair blowing lightly by the wind, his ocean blue eyes looking in mine- (I feel like I might sink and drown and dieeeee) WAIT WHAT

He flipped me off as he was walking to his car. I gave him a cold stare.

"Hey, what's with the stare?" Finn asked and trying to find where I'm looking at "Oh, Walker." "Walker indeed" I acknowledged

"Well let's go home now" he patted my back, I followed.

While we were biking, we were talking about random things starting with auditioning, acting, the edits of ourselves, and the recent topic, Walker Scobell

"He's auditioning for the 1st bestfriend, right? Axe Whitlock? Good thing I decided to auditioned for your character's brother" he snickered "So you actually did that???" I said trying not to laugh

He nodded while laughing. I smiled, "I thought it was just a joke of yours!" "Well it's not so let the joke be gone" We both burst out cackling and wheezing until we reached home. We were definitely out of breath.

A/n: Helloo, first chapter. Hope I did well for my 4th time of writing. I doubt I did or will do well. Really hoped you like the backstory chapter 💀 I made a reference from ASOUE if it's still unnoticeable. I really hate how I made this story like this.

Do you guys have any expectations for the upcoming chapters??

Hope you have a blessed day and HAPPY LATE YEARRRRRR 🎉

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