Chapter 14

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A/N: So how many months has it been? HAHAHA

𝙔/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I continued the rest of my night in happiness, and confusion. Honestly, out of all people.

When we went back to the car to wrap up the day, I looked at Walker who was sitting beside me, acting like nothing happened. When I tried to speak up about it, he would just straight up just start a conversation with Finn instead. Frustrating this kid honestly is.

I reached my hotel room as I lazily flopped down on the bed

"Kid, don't fall asleep wearing makeup. I guarantee it will be the worst tomorrow you will ever experience." Finn stated, making a disgusted face while shivering slightly

"Yeah? Sounds like you have experience."

"Oh I sure do."

I groaned as I dragged myself up from the bed and washed up for a goodnight's rest. I jumped on my bed and tucked myself in. Lights out, noise out, and Finn knocked out.

Although, no matter how much Of wanted to sleep, I just couldn't. There was just something in my mind that I just couldn't shake off. What happened earlier, was it really just for him to save himself? Did he want it?

I kept overthinking. I was really frustrated. I stared out the view of the city full of lights, and probably people facing the same situation.

Walker's POV:

On the way back to the car, I realized how fucked up the thing I did earlier was. I tried to act cool about it, as if I didn't care.

I tried to talk to Finn whenever I noticed Y/n wanted to have a conversation, but I was too nervous to care what she had to say. Oh, save me.

I got to my hotel room seeing Mason already fallen asleep. I sighed as I prepared myself to go to bed. To be honest, I wasn't really sleepy. About what happened earlier? It seems to have bothered me very much.

Getting in bed, just staring at the ceiling. Did I do the right thing? Is she mad at me?

I kept overthinking. I was really frustrated. I can't accept the fact that she's appearing a little bit too likeable for me...

Oh, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. What have you done to me?

A/N: Haven't uploaded for months now gosh. Honestly, I just had the biggest writer's block ever (I was just lazy). To think that I had y'all waiting is making me feel bad T-T

I really have to finish this story though before I actually give up on it. I forgot a lot of details, so please point the mistakes out for me.

Anyways, we're back on track y'all. Let's go, let's go!

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