Title Page

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The French Formula

(Book 3 of the LSD series)

If you play with G.O.D., you'll always win.

By: Ronaldo Siète

"L'important dans la vie ce n'est point le triomphe, mais le combat, l'essentiel ce n'est pas d'avoir vaincu mais de s'être bien battu."

[The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.]

(Pierre Baron de Coubertin)

Polderdam, 3rd of January 2023

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Polderdam, 3rd of January 2023

ISBN: 978-94-92389-27-5

Publisher: Editorial Perdido - at

Author-right: @ 2022 by Ronaldo Siète - as @Ronaldo7Siete at

Author-right cover design @ 2022 by Katie Sharp - as @katieishere at

Thanks to John, Maureen, Jet and the Wattpad community.

Cover text

Luxembourg wants to be Number One on the list of most influential countries. The war zone is Brest. The battlefield is the European Games. The LSD checks the rumours about a secret weapon, a new untraceable drug that turns losers into winners.

When Bugs, The Runner, saves the life of Doc, he gets an unexpected chance to enter the VIP-zone and look behind the cameras. But a spy-mission is not a game; it's serious business. Does winning The Great Game compensate for losing your life? What's the price of that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? And how can we play with G.O.D. and win?

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