*44 Zee Pruk

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Sitting at home waiting for any information on Ohm, Boun, Fluke and what actually happened, I made myself my favorite coffee and went outside to sit on the bench by my favorite old tree.  I took advantage of the fact that NuNu went with Saint to record a demo.  Looking at the greenery and multicolored flowers surrounding me, I was immersed in memories, going back to the day some paparazzi snapped some photos of me holding Annie's hand. 

It was just the beginning of work on our joint work and the Polish woman still couldn't find herself in a new country and in a new reality for her.  Our photos quickly went viral on the internet, and rumors spread that Annie was my secret lover.  I've never heard more bullshit in my life, but I had to explain everything to our friends when P'Aof gathered us together in the conference room and asked what we were going to do next.  It was frustrating how little we could do.  Again, I wanted to apologize to everyone for everything.  I even wondered, somewhat ironically, whether perhaps I shouldn't apologize for breathing at all.

There was no fresh air in the stuffy room, but even the open windows did little to help.  We were sweating like crazy, which may have been due to stress.

— Do we really have to say this? Why?  If we're not allowed to say what we really feel and think anyway, why talk to us at all?  Let the agency send them the finished text and that's it, at least they won't waste our time — I heard irritation in Nu's voice.  Apparently, I wasn't the only one who didn't like what we were offered.

— New, take it easy, don't worry about it —  Annie tried to comfort him.  Each of us was given a ready-made text to learn, we had cards with questions and answers in front of us.

—  Damn it!  —To our amazement, Saint showed anger for the first time in our presence.  — It's so fucked up!  Why should I confirm that Zee is free?!  After all, every fan of ours knows that we don't talk to each other!  What fucking moron wrote that?

—I sense Darcy's work —  Annie replied to us.  — Look, there's something I need to tell you while we're here together.

I looked at the faces of the others.  New, Nat, Max, and Saint all looked curious and concerned at the same time.  I loved Nu as he was in the beginning, I love him now, and I always wanted to love him, but he too slowly changed.  P'Sky, however, took something away from him, Nu is no longer as charmingly naive as he used to be, he has become more suspicious, distrustful.  I wanted to punch P'Sky's face for that.

—Guys, please listen to me carefully.

— Okay — Only Nat replied.  The tension in the room was rising, the atmosphere was saturated with something heavy that was difficult to identify, I could safely call it the weight of secrets.

I don't want to beg you for anything anymore.
You don't have to love me.
I don't want you to pretend.
Please be yourself.
Don't hurt me anymore.
I can't handle this.
Hold on baby.
Maybe it's too much for us?
We fight, we drown, we fall.
What's next?  What's next?
What will happen to us?
I want to rekindle that fire within us.
Maybe it's just words.
We're stuck in a sea of ​​lies.
Trapped parrots in golden cages.
Let me wipe your tears.
Can't you see how secretly I love you?
I love you...

I glanced at the paper on which I had written the words circulating in my mind.  It was so refreshing and cleansing, I needed it.

Why did someone on the board not like the fact that a picture of Annie holding my hand was posted online?  We've already cleared this up with Nu and Annie.  Annie needed a friend, someone who would understand and comfort her.  She was in a foreign country, very far from home, she missed her parents, the animals and the freedom she had there.  In addition, she wanted to talk to someone about her feelings for Perth, she needed the advice of someone more experienced, and although I couldn't call myself an expert on such matter, I was happy to talk to her about it.

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