*50* Annie

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— Maybe we should stay out of politics for now?  — I suggested timidly.

— Yeah?  Are we not to get involved in politics?  How else are you going to handle this?  — Saint asked me mockingly.  I sensed a note of bitterness in his words.  To buy time and hide the fact that I didn't know what to say to him, I leaned over the phone and stared at the screen.  Saint continued as if he hadn't noticed how uncomfortable I felt.  — You know that the fight for the rights of LGBT people won't do without a clash with politics.  If we want to achieve something, we have to make people hear us and understand us.

—We will not fight only for the rights of LGBT people — Kaownah, who had been silent until now, interrupted the conversation.

— Huh?  Got a better idea?  — Khaotung gave him a cold look I didn't understand.  From the very beginning, I had the impression that these two, Kaownah and Khaotung, do not like each other.  They were able to work together quite professionally, but the relationship between them was far from ideal.

— Yes I have.  If we only fight for the rights of one group, we may not only not gain more supporters, we may even achieve the opposite of what we want to achieve.  We have to think more broadly.  Not only LGBT people need support.  There are also people from lower social classes, manual workers, whose voice will never be heard, so we must be their voice.

— And there are also people with mental problems, those important people don't want to listen to them either — I added quietly, still somewhat embarrassed that I belonged to this group myself.  In the place where I came from, mental illness, depression, panic attacks, fears and phobias were viewed very negatively.  Such people were always ridiculed and pointed at, they had no rights and no one cared about their fate.  I've met a lot of people like that, and that's what scared me the most.

— Yes, we must fight for the rights of everyone, for basic human rights —  Off, who was also present at our meeting that evening, joined the conversation.  I looked at him and at that moment I was reminded of the series he co-starred with Gun, Not Me. Before I came to Thailand, this series gave me a lot to think about, it opened my eyes and allowed me to see where the real problem lies.  P'Sky seemed like a good start, but it was only the beginning.

I looked at the faces of my companions.  In their eyes I saw the fire and passion that we needed so much to destroy and burn the foundations of this world we now knew, which has become a tortured prison for us.  The meaning of the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" suddenly hit me. The New Order of the Ages.  Each generation wanted to change something, bring something from themselves, we wanted it too, we dreamed together that when our time came to leave, we would leave this world behind us as a much better place.  We wanted to build everything from scratch, and I realized that it was almost impossible. We can't win with rich politicians, they always make fun of it. So you have to start with something smaller.

First smiled at us and began to tell us the plan he came up with with Khaotung, Gun and Ohm Pawat.  We agreed right away.  We were aware that convincing fans to help us would not be as easy as it was sometimes shown on the internet to confuse us.

The very next night, one of our groups would sneak into the back of an abandoned old movie theater where, according to our information, P'Sky always received shipments of what I could easily call drugs.  Sometimes they exchanged other things as well.  Khaotung talked about how he was almost sold out when he auditioned for a role in the series a few years earlier.  The casting was just a cover.

— I will never forget that day.  If it wasn't for First, I probably would have left with the other two who showed up at the airport then.  There were three of us, me and two girls, both no older than 16.  He was the one who helped me get out, and in such a crowded city it was easy to hide.  Then I went home and told my parents everything.  I was kidnapped literally in front of the building where the alleged casting was taking place.  Then First asked if he could spend the night with me.  I agreed.  One night quickly turned into a week, but my parents were understanding, they let him stay as long as he needed.  I think they are still grateful to him to this day for saving their son. —  Khaotung said proudly, then brushed his hair back in his typical fashion.

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