*47* Saint

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I inadvertently overheard Annie's conversation with Darcy.  Not that I like to eavesdrop, I was just passing by and they were standing by the mirror so busy discussing that they didn't pay attention, which was probably because at that hour every employee was already thinking about getting out as soon as possible, pack everything up and head back to the hotel to catch a few hours of much-needed sleep.  I had that plan too, but unfortunately I left my phone and bag in the dressing room.

— No, Darcy, I don't understand it at all and I don't care how you arrange it, my people are to have enough time off so that they come to work refreshed and willing to take on new challenges.

— I don't think you have any idea what it's like to work in the entertainment industry. —  Darcy pursed her lips in disgust, as if the mere presence of Annie across from her was getting on her nerves.  Her voice also gave me a lot to think about, Darcy sounded as if she thought Annie was inferior to herself, less important, but the author of our novel didn't give up.

— Oh, I know that, and that's why I'm here.  I'm fed up with it, and I'm not the only one.  In my country you work 8 hours a day, in some workplaces 10, but then you only work 4 days a week, but here they require us to work even 12 to 14 hours for the whole 7 days, don't you think that  sick, inhuman?

— That's what they pay us for. What did you actually expect?  What, did you think we got such high bonuses for?  Lying upside down on the beach?  If you want to earn money, you have to work for it. They won't be paying you for nothing!

—  Phhhh!  — Annie snorted.  With a clink of glass, she set the tea glass down on the table where I had been sitting not more than ten minutes ago, right in front of the mirror where Som was washing off our makeup.  —Money!  I'll tell you something and I advise you to listen carefully: people from Pierre's management are buying up the contracts of all the actors who play in our series, in a moment each of them will get the freedom that people like you take away from them.  They won't have to work as hard anymore and will be able to choose what they want to do and what not.

— You are pitiful! — Darcy gave an unpleasant laugh that sent shivers down my spine.  I shivered, feeling the sudden chill as the door opened softly, almost silently, behind me.  I took my eyes off the talking, or rather arguing, women for a moment to see who dared to disturb my peace.  Seeing it was NuNew, I put my index finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet.  He looked like he didn't understand at all, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him down, forcing him to lean in, and then I whispered in his ear.

— I advise you to listen to this, I'll explain later.

He nodded and moved closer.  He was standing over me while I crouched against the wall next to the changing room door where the two women were standing.

— ...will be wasted.  No one will give them any engagement if they are not willing to cooperate.  That's what their job is, doesn't it get to you at all?

— But imposing on them images of someone they don't even look like? Not to mention imposing sexuality on them, taking away the right to talk openly about their private lives or discriminating against those who show even a shadow of being LGBT?! It's degrading and disgusting!  How can you even look yourself in the mirror after something like that?  Some of our actors are completely straight, they do BL series for various reasons, and you make them pretend to be someone else?  You have one of them pretending that they have no ties to the LGBT world and the other that they are part of it when they are not?  It's pathetic! Let LGBT people be LGBT people and straight ones to be as straight as they want to! Why is this so hard for you? Are some kind of monster?

  Annie was clearly nervous, her voice vibrating with anger.

— You stupid cow, you're ruining everything!  You will destroy what we have worked for for years!  — Darcy suddenly lunged at Annie with her fists, punching, kicking, and yanking her hair.  — I won't let you do this!  You stupid idiot, don't even think you can do it!

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