*46* Zee Pruk

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A few weeks earlier...

Her expression clearly showed that what she had to say wouldn't be nice and pleasant.  We sat at one of the farthest tables, putting our drinks on the counter.  The others weren't due to join us for an hour, so we had plenty of time.  I was wondering why Annie asked us to meet earlier than the others.  Maybe it was our roles?

— Do you know why we're here early? — She asked as if reading my mind.

—  Unfortunatelly, not.

— Oh, really?  What happened on set today?  With who did you talk?

— A lot of people, but what's that got to do with it?

—You didn't happen to talk to Saint, did you?

Saint?  How does she know about it?  How much does he know? This couldn't be anything good. Maybe should I pretend to be stupid?

—  What?

— Don't pretend you don't know and don't make a fool out of me.  Max told me that Saint is your ex.  Let me show you something. — She opened the backpack she was carrying, took out her phone, which had already shown her Instagram homepage.  She quickly found Saint's profile and handed it to me.  – See the latest post.

I looked and froze.  I saw a photo of us and Saint together from a movie set with the caption "One day you'll be mine again." My heart felt as if it had stopped beating. Time slowed, memories came back. Memories of the show we were to put on at the behest of P Sky, and which was exploited by the press and people on social media. It was chaos, but P'Sky was very happy about it. He said it was selling well. I thought back to what was written in the script for us and what we had to do.  It was the version everyone was supposed to believe, and it made people hate me, which hurt so much that at one point I actually broke down. I couldn't cope anymore. Or the memories of what really happened  .

Why did Saint do this?  If he also got a script from P'Sky, it had to be identical to mine, so why did he behave differently?  Why did he kiss me then?  Did he really want more?  Was he just pretending?  At the time I thought that P'Sky didn't say anything to him, that he did all this because he wanted to and it fucking hurt.  He was my friend, he knew I didn't feel anything for him, he must have known he was hurting me with his behavior, so why did he keep doing it?

I took my phone out of my pocket, found a well-hidden text file with a script and a description of how the character I'm going to play should feel.

I handed the phone to Annie and she started reading.


You are to play the person described below, I think it's not difficult for you.

POV Zee:

We were in a bar, and Saint had insisted on celebrating the end of a series we were both on.  I preferred to spend this time at home with him, he was important to me and I wanted to show him that in some way.  He knew it, and for some time I had the impression that he was playing with my feelings.  The bar was already crowded, and when we got there, it turned out that some of the crew were there too.  There was this boy too, Katsamonnat or something, I don't even want to remember the name, but his behavior is etched in my memory forever.  The face of an angel and the soul of a demon - this is how he can be briefly described.  Saint told me a lot about him, I thought it was innocent stories, that he was just worried about a friend.  That night I saw with my own eyes that Earth, because that was his nickname, was much more to Saint, but I tried to pretend I didn't see it.

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