*48* NuNew

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I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened in the last few months.  All the memories kept coming back to me.  I threw my purse haphazardly on the kitchen table, not even having the strength to put it back.  I just wanted to sleep.  It had been a long and tiring day.  I headed straight to the bathroom, where I could take a shower without rushing.  I missed Zee, but today he had to go somewhere.  I didn't ask where he was going, I figured he'd tell me himself if he wanted to.  Sometimes when you're in a relationship with another person, it's good to let that person have their own space.

Once I had undressed and the warm water ran in small trickles down my body, I remembered how I met Singto Prachaya and Ohm Pawat.  It was quite recently, maybe two months ago, back when First was undergoing chemotherapy and we were recording our series, and we spent our free time at First's house.  I've always had great respect for Singto, as well as for Ohm, but what I saw allowed me to form my own opinion about them.

When something ends, something that was really important to us, there is an emptiness in the heart, as if something important is suddenly missing.  As we watched another series with First and Annie, I realized how important each new day is.  This time Annie insisted that we watch one of her favorite series, He's Coming To Me.  Imagine our surprise when in the evening, just before we started watching the first episode, someone knocked on Khaotung's house.  This time Khao wasn't home because he had to shoot some scenes, so Annie and I offered to spend the two days with First taking care of him.  In fact, day by day First was slowly recovering and we didn't worry about him as much anymore.  Now both he and Khao were smiling more, it was obvious that things were moving towards a successful conclusion.

I went to the door to see who it was and possibly let that person in.  I was in a huge shock when I saw Ohm Pawat and Singto Prachay in front of me.  For a moment it seemed to me that this was only happening in my head, because how could the heroes of the series we were currently watching suddenly appear on our doorstep?!  The mystery cleared up pretty quickly.

— Hi, you're NuNew Chawarin, right?.— Singto asked me, greeting.  I smiled at him.

— Yes, it's me.

Ohm seemed to be about to introduce himself, but I cut him off.

—  You don't have to say your names, I know you perfectly well, unfortunately only from the screen, but right now we are watching a series where you are the main couple.

— Oh, He's Coming To Me? — Ohm tried to guess.

— Yes, P'Ohm, how did you know?

— First invited us here, he said that two of our fans are here today.  We were curious, so we decided to drop in for a surprise visit —  Ohm explained.  Next to him, I felt really tiny, although I was not a short person, it was Ohm who was rather a giant.  Knowing who was knocking on the door at this odd time, I could breathe a sigh of relief.  I led our guests to the bedroom, where we spread out our things.  I noticed that both had duffel bags with them, probably filled with clothes and cosmetics.  It looked like they were going to stay a bit longer.

Ohm and Singto greeted Annie and First.

— I've prepared a separate room for you — First informed them, pointing in front of him.

— Did you prepare? You yourself? — Ohm raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

—Okay, Tung did it before he went to the set — He replied, scowling as if it offended him. This was the first time when I heard First calling Khaotung „Tung“, what sounded like „tang“, it was cute to hear. First smiled at Ohm and Singto.  It was obvious that all three of them are very close, I felt a bit like an outsider.  Yes, I've known First for some time, but I've never met Ohm and Singto in person, it was a great experience for me.  I admired them both, but especially Ohm.  More than once he had to face hate, lack of understanding from people around him.  I felt a little sorry for him, and at the same time I understood that for him, as for me, acting in series, playing a different character, was a way of expressing himself.  When Annie gave Ohm her hand, it was so tiny I thought Ohm could easily break it.  Singto, on the other hand, was only a little taller than me, and when he stood next to Annie, I got the impression that they looked alike for some reason.  I couldn't take my eyes off them for a long time, especially since Singto sat next to her on the mattress on the floor, and Ohm climbed into the bed next to First without asking.  I returned to my place on the smaller mattress on the other side of the bed, but continued to watch our visitors.  Eventually, however, it dawned on me that I only found two similarities between Annie and Singto.  One of them was a nearly identical scar over both of their left eyes.  The second similarity was their behavior.  They talked with each other completely freely, there was no distance between them as between me and Singto.

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