Did we? (James Acaster x you)

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Short one sorry

God, the cleanup after the night was tedious. Nish's party had been and gone and now, you and James were left to pick up the pieces. You can barely remember anything from last night, apart from the first couple of shots handed to you by your relatively new boyfriend James, and waking up the next morning on Nish's bed by James' soft whisper in your ear. By that time, everyone had left apart from him, who had decided to stay and clean up the absolute dump that was your best friend's house, and decided himself that you would be helping him too. Before you know it, black bin bags are being thrust into your hands by your boyfriend's slender fingers, and you're spending your morning picking red, plastic cups off Nish's living room floor whilst he sleeps soundly on the sofa. 

For a while, you and James had bothered trying to be quiet, before smashing one of Nish's glasses and realising that man could sleep through anything. Now, you were flicking through his CDs, making remarks at how shit most of them were. 

"Any good choices, Y/l/n?"

"Depends," You reply, "Are you a Gwen Stefani man, Acaster?" He grins.

"I'm sure you know the answer to that one." 

The rest of the cleanup was a lot more enjoyable- you and James danced and sang (terribly) and exchanged surprisingly passionate kisses as you did so. The rooms were spotless soon enough, leaving you and James with a large sense of pride. The hours spent cleaning the house felt like seconds, and the moment you were finished, you slumped down on a spare bed, curling yourself up and having a well deserved sleep whilst James attempted to wake Nish. 

Slowly, you feel your nap being interrupted as James lies down next to you, softly gliding his hands over your hips and kissing your hair. He shuffles around, making sure both you and him are as comfortable as possible. You wonder where Nish is, and (more importantly) if he'd walk in on James cuddling you, but you're too tired and rested to ask. You lay in silence for a few minutes, feeling James' thumb rub your knuckle, and his breath heat your neck. 

"Y/n," He sighs into your hair. "There's something I'd like to tell you." 

"Go, on Acaster." 

"I love you" He says, surprisingly calmly. You knew this was a big thing for him to say, and your cheeks turn pink at the sound of it. "I know I said it last night," He continues. "But we were very drunk, alright? I know you don't remember, I only want to say it properly. I love you, Y/n." You roll over to face him, still trying to hide the redness in your cheeks.

"I love you too, Acaster."

"Love you more, sugartits" 


Help im so desperate for ideas i need ideas help me

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