Valentine's Day (Ed Gamble x you)

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The morning started peacefully with a cold, bitter air accompanied by a thick, winter duvet wrapped around you with care. However, your boyfriend Ed and his comforting, warm morning embrace wasn't there. You sink further back into the bed, too tired to get up and look for him. "Oh, God" You groan into your pillow, noticing the date on your alarm clock- Feb 14, Valentine's Day, Ed's favourite day of the year. You knew that the morning would be filled with an overwhelming amount of affection and cooked breakfast. (you can already smell the bacon from downstairs) You stretch, making loud groany-stretchy noises as you do so; you hear Ed's feet shuffle up the stairs quickly afterwards, along with the sound of rubber squeaking against the banisters. He attempts to burst through the bedroom door, but a very very large bunch of heart shaped balloons make it a struggle. Through the crowd of latex you see his face, plastered with a cheesy grin. Christ, he's sweet.

"Happy Valentine's day!" He yells, finally squeezing through the doorway and greeting you by jumping on the bed and wrapping his arms around you tightly. "I missed you."

"You've only been downstairs for a few minutes, idiot." You smile, kissing him on the cheek.

"Do you like the balloons?"

"No. I love them."

He simply replies with a kiss.

"Oooh," You remember. "I bought you something, cutie." You reach an arm under the bed and pull out a medium sized cardboard box. He snatches it and giggles, beginning to tear the top of the box. Inside was a last-minute bought plush bear, some scratch cards and a yorkie. You know it was a disappointing sight, but he seemed to enjoy it greatly.

"Yeah, sorry. I do have two tickets to the theatre on Saturday but everything's fucking online now. My plan was to print, laminate, put in box, but we had no ink."

"Don't be sorry," He says, delight spread across his face. "I love them. Thank you very much."

You trace your finger around his face and smile at him sweetly before he rushes back downstairs. He returns in an instant with a tray filled with a hearty cooked breakfast, along with many sickening heart shaped chocolates and such. He brings himself a much smaller, meeker breakfast, and tucks himself underneath the duvet with you for breakfast in bed. You both eat in peace, watching the TV and chatting, occasionally exchanging a peck on the lips. Eventually, breakfast turns into cuddling under the covers, which quickly turns into a mid-morning nap, turning the rest of the day into a bit of a headache-y mess.

The evening comes around swiftly, taking you by surprise when you hear Ed's voice coming from downstairs, where he'd spent a lot of the afternoon preparing dinner.

"Chop chop, Y/n!" He shouts "We're going out!"

"I thought we were staying in?" You yell back, before the smell of smoke punches you in the nostrils "Ah, never mind." You quickly pick a place to eat, too hungry to think about your options. The car journey there was short and (in your opinion) pointless. The both of you could make an easy walk to the restaurant, yet Ed insists he drives you there, like a personal chauffeur (except, a bit more shit at driving than an actual personal chauffeur)

The meal goes beautifully, the place you pick makes gorgeous food, and the conversation between you and Ed is lovely. Not that this was surprising, or anything. Your 4 year anniversary had been approaching rapidly, and you were still trying to muster up a nice gift for him. (other than some scratch cards and a cheap card shop teddy bear.)  You both become silent as the evening comes to an end, simply happy to sit in each others company for a while.  Ed watches you twist the last mouthfuls of food around your fork, which really wasn't like you at all; you could eat for England. However, after the hearty breakfast Ed had made you, you were almost certain you would've exploded with another bite.

After a while, the silence is broken.
"All finished, Y/n?"
"Shall we head home then, cutie?"
"Mhm." You say, this time with a grin plastered on your face. You loved the nicknames he gave you, sometimes.

After another short, pointless car ride from your personal chauffeur, you both collapse through the front door, desperate to get into bed. Even after your headachey mid-morning
nap, the day (and the food) had exhausted you both. After practically sprinting up the stairs, (giggling and tripping over each other as you did so), you finally begin to sink into the covers, clutching each other tightly. You looked at the alarm clock over Ed's shoulder.


"Hey, Ed?" You mumble.
"Yeah?" He says, his voiced muffled in the crook of your neck.

"Happy valentines."

a/n: i'm so sorry for the massive break i've just been focusing on school and my health recently but hopefully i'll be writing a bit more frequently from now on :-)

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