kisses - diego lainez (0.3)

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"DIEGO STOP EW!" y/n spoke laughing trying to push her boyfriend, diego lainez off
of her

he kept kissing her face, and as much as she liked diego she thought the idea of kissing someone's face was gross

"whaaaat" he spoke dragging out the 'a'

y/n smiled and said "it's gross" lainez looked shocked, "you think my kisses are gross?" he said jokingly

"nooo kissing someone's face is though" the girl replied, deigo smiled and chuckled shaking his head

their day today was bit hectic, deigo was late to practice which led him to running a mile, y/n almost missed a very important meeting for her job because of deigo sooo they needed their time together

diego laid on the bed feeling his girlfriend hug his side, he smiled to himself thinking about y/n

"i love you you know? i hope one day we can grow old together and have kids" diego's message it was nice until the last part

"amor we're gonna be waiting to have kids we're too young" y/n said kinda laughing making deigo laugh and agree.

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a/n -
i'll be writing jude bellingham soon!!

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