disappointed- jack grealish (0.17)

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"Y/N I SWEAR TO GOD" jack said harshly pushing y/n out of the way, y/n simply just walked away leaving a mad jack alone

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"Y/N I SWEAR TO GOD" jack said harshly pushing y/n out of the way, y/n simply just walked away leaving a mad jack alone

y/n was just trying to get her boyfriend's attention because he's been practicing none stop all week so y/n hasn't seen jack all week

the girl brought herself to their bedroom watching tv annoyed, she just wanted to have alone time with him for once in awhile and all jack wanted was to play fifa

2 knocks rang through y/n's ears, quickly making herself look like she's sleeping

"y/n let me in" she heard at the door but stayed silent, she heard the door open and close quietly

"i'm sorry my love, i am i shouldn't have touched you like that. it was very disrespectful to you" he said moving y/n's hair behind her ear

jack knew y/n wasn't sleeping, he could tell because she doesn't sleep on her back she sleeps on her side or on her stomach

"why did you do it?" y/n asked quietly, she wasn't trying to sound dramatic or like a baby but jack pushed her and almost caused her to fall and hurt herself

"i don't know but i shouldn't have. and i will never lay my hands on you again. i'm very disappointed in myself for doing that" jack said looking into y/n's eyes

"you're forgiven but if you ever do that again, i will not forgive you next time but i wont worry about that because there wont be a next time right?" y/n said moving over as jack laid with her

"they're wont be a next time, i promise" jack said kissing y/n's neck moving closer to her lips

"you're so beautiful" jack whispered, as he kissed y/n's lips

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right now i'm trying to see who's the most popular players are on here so you're gonna see random players not just gavi or pedri rn😭

- i will still write about gavi / pedri dw

please vote tyy🫶🏼🫶🏼

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