obsessed - kevin alvarez (0.6)

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*in school*

"OH UMM" kevin spoke awkwardly staring at a random girl he's never talked to

the girl batted her fake lashes, but kevin wasn't fazed "i have a girlfriend" he said before walking away

the girl scoffed and pouted to her friends she turned around watching kevin seeing him throw away the flowers in the trash and hold his girlfriend, y/n's hand

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hours before:

"y/n! kevin!" diego said making the couple look over at him, "that one girl who's obsessed said she want kevin for herself" diego said trying not to laugh

y/n smiled and shook her head, kevin laughed "i'm loyal i only want y/n" deigo cringed at them

"i really need to find a girlfriend"

while kevin was walking y/n to her class, "i'll call you when class is done" kevin spoke smiling at y/n

while kevin was walking through the empty hall going to his class he heard someone say "hi kev" he wanted to laugh at the name, he simply walked past the obsessed girl

he walked into his class, seeing his friends

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kevin called his girlfriend to tell her to wait by the bathrooms for him, but while he was walking he got stopped

a young girl, a obsessed girl walked infront of him, moving him to side of the hall

"don't touch me, you probably don't wash your hands" he said making the girl embarrassed, her friends let out a laugh and a shocked gasp

"i bought you these" she spoke shoving flowers in front of his face, kevin grabbed them already knowing he was going to throw them away

"well i have a question" she spoke swaying back and forth, kevin started to get annoyed he wanted to go with his girlfriend, he could see her laughing and smiling with her friends by the bathrooms

"hurry up please i have someone i want to see" he said trying to leave but the girl stopped him "i really like you, i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date this friday?" she said blushing and smiling


the girl stopped smiling, "please kevin just one date" she begged

"oh umm" kevin spoke awkwardly staring at a random girl he's never talked to

the girl batted her fake lashes, but kevin wasn't fazed "i have a girlfriend" he said before walking away with a straight face

the girl scoffed and pouted to her friends she turned around watching kevin seeing him throw away the flowers in the trash and hold his girlfriend, y/n's hand

"kevin you should've kept the flowers they're pretty!" y/n said looking at her boyfriend but feeling eyes on her

"i don't want anything you haven't given me or something my mom hasn't given me" kevin said holding the school doors open for y/n

"thank you but she just likes you, i don't feel threatened by her which is why you should be nice" y/n spoke making kevin roll his eye at the thought of the girl

"i don't plan on talking to her ever again" he spoke

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a/n -
i honestly can't decide if i like kevin's new hair😭 the silver is just different

remember to vote🫶🏼

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