face masks - pedri (0.47)

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"EW THIS IS SO NASTY" pedri complained as y/n spread the face mask on his face, "you're the one who wanted to do them" y/n said

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"EW THIS IS SO NASTY" pedri complained as y/n spread the face mask on his face, "you're the one who wanted to do them" y/n said

"be quiet"

as y/n finished putting his face mask on, pedri noticed some parts of y/n's clay face mask changing color because it was drying "you're changing color" he said like a little kid

he waited until y/n finished to move, he stood like a statue the whole time she placed the face mask on him

"you can move now" y/n said smiling washing her hands, he walked to look in the mirror pedri tried to smile but because the face mask was already hardening so he couldn't move his mouth

"thank you amor" he said stiffly, y/n walked him to their shared living room to watch a movie, she was one who could care less how long she left her face masks on

"can we watch *favorite movie*?" pedri asked muffled because he couldn't move his mouth

y/n smiled and nodded trying not to laugh, "sure hermoso!" y/n said clicking through the movies to find the one he wanted

pedri wrapped his arms around her and covered them up with a blanket getting comfortable

the movie now ended and pedri wanted this face mask off more than anything

"ow" "ow y/n stop" pedri said whining as y/n peeled the face mask off

"pedri you chose the peel off" y/n said trying to peel it off again but pedri moved her hands away

she watched as he tried to take it off, but as she was walking away to grab something to make it easier all she heard was one big tear

"what the" y/n said walking into the bathroom

she looked in pedri's hands to see parts of his face mask and looked up to see parts of his face a bit red

"i got some of it off" he said finally being able to move his mouth

"clearly" y/n said still in shock

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this is late im so sorry
it's bad bc i was tired today, better one tomorrow!

please vote tyy🫶🏼🫶🏼

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