only you - pedri (0.28)

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Y/N WASNT INSECURE but she also wasn't screaming about how much she loved herself either

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Y/N WASNT INSECURE but she also wasn't screaming about how much she loved herself either. y/n was just there, and lately her self esteem has been going downhill and her boyfriend pedri noticed her behavior change but didn't think too much of it

until he noticed she started avoiding him, in their own home. pedri would walk into a room and y/n would walk out, they still slept together but a great distance was made in bed

y/n sat in their kitchen sitting a bar stool resting on the island, she scrolled through her social media. her brightness was all the way down so pedri wouldn't see what she was doing

the past few weeks many people have messaged y/n saying pedri was cheating on her. y/n has previously been cheated on her so she took these messages seriously, she trusted pedri but she also didn't want to flat out ask "are you cheating on me?" because that could hurt him if he wasn't. she didn't believe the messages it was just the idea of it that hurt her

y/n knew what she was doing by avoiding pedri was hurting him so she did feel bad but she didn't know how to express her feelings

speaking of pedri, he walked into the kitchen causing y/n to look over at him and get up

she walked into their bedroom laying on their bed, pedri sighed at her actions. he wanted her to go to her normal self

he wanted to hold her at night time and to laugh with her but she wouldn't even stay in the same room as him

pedri's eyes became glossy, he felt as if he did something to hurt her but all he's done is go to practice and come home he hasn't been hanging out with his friends because something was wrong with y/n

he quickly wiped his face with his hands realizing he was about to cry. pedri felt as if he should stand up for himself. he didn't feel like he did anything wrong which meant his own girlfriend shouldn't treat him like this

pedri walking upstairs and into their "shared" bedroom. lately it's been not a bedroom but y/n's hiding place

he closed the door, watching as y/n didn't even look at him but stayed looking at her phone

y/n felt pedri's eyes watching her scanning her body, "que necesitas?" (why do you need?) y/n asked

pedri looked shocked, she finally talked to him. "what's wrong? did i do something?" pedri asked walking infront of the bed taking y/n's phone putting it in his pocket

y/n turned and sat up seeing pedri's face he was upset, mad and confused. y/n couldn't blame him for his feelings because she was the one who caused it

y/n stayed silent, pedri was fed up with y/n and now annoyed she won't talk again. "t/n lo siento pero me estás haciendo enojar me quedo con gavi esta noche" (y/n im sorry but you're making me upset im staying with gavi tonight) he explained walking into their closet, y/n quickly got up dragging him back to the bed

"pedri i trust you. and i love you, but you know how my last relationship was" y/n started pedri quickly defending himself as a boyfriend

"y/n i would never treat you the way he did if that's what you're worried about." he spoke quickly, y/n shook her head giving an awkward smile before talking "people have messaged me saying you're cheating on me and i don't believe them you're always with me it's just the idea of you doing it that made me upset. and i just shut down which wasn't good i should've told you" y/n explained

pedri understood where y/n was coming from, he wasn't happy that people were telling his girlfriend lies but he just wanted to comfort her

"amor i would never do such a thing, i only want you. i only need you in my life, i understand your feelings but y/n you need to start talking to me about them i can't help you if you don't talk. i love you" he spoke softly he kissing the top of y/n's head

she smiled at him and said "thank you i love you too, i'll try to express my feelings in a better way" pedri smiled, "thank you mi amor"

y/n asked "where you actually to stay with gavi?"

"no i literally would've been sleeping on a street if you let me leave"

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sorry for the late publish

please vote tyyy🫶🏼🫶🏼

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