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"I ACTUALLY HATE HER SO MUCH" jude complained to his best friend, jack

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"I ACTUALLY HATE HER SO MUCH" jude complained to his best friend, jack

jack rolled his eyes siping his drink, they were at a party maybe 200 + people were there, the invitation started with a friend group but it spread to everyone

"i bet she hates you two" jack replied looking at y/n who was sitting on the couch talking to one of her friends

jude and y/n have never gotten along, it's been 5 years since they met and they still haven't gotten along. there wasn't a specific reason why they didn't get along. jude always had something to say about y/n, her clothes, her music taste, her shoes, who she dated anything and everything he judged which made y/n dislike him more

"jude keeps looking at us" pedri, y/n's friend said looking at jude's friend group but looking away fast

"god he's so annoying, he always says something about me" y/n said rolling her eyes and getting up with pedri to get a drink

"horrible flirting if you ask me" pedri said causing the two to laugh, when jude and y/n were even near each other it always made y/n upset, he just put her in a bad mood. she suddenly became annoyed with everything when jude was around

"oh shi-" pedri said soon you could hear a sudden crashing noise, y/n turned around looking trying to see where the noise came from she soon saw jude on the floor with his chair next to him

his friends were laughing and taking video and pictures of him, y/n and pedri started laughing and turned around but they weren't too fast because jude saw

"bloody hell im actually going to kill my-" jude started, until jack kicked his leg "language young man"

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y/n was sitting next gavi laying her head on his shoulder, "pablo but he's so hard to get along with" y/n complained

anyone could tell the two definitely drank a little too much, "i know amor but you should still try to get along with him" gavi tried to explain, gavi always called y/n amor because they were childhood best friends and she was the love to him which annoyed jude but he never showed it

"i don't know, he actually hates me so much" y/n said looking up at him, gavi kept staring ahead looking at the blank wall in front of him, "mmm i wouldn't say that"

gavi and y/n just talked about random things y/n felt eyes burning holes into her but she ignored the feeling, but the one staring at her was jude

he felt a unknown feeling in his stomach and throat, a shared tight feeling felt like a knot as jude watch y/n smile and laugh with gavi

"i gotta go home otherwise im going to continue drinking" gavi said getting up with pedri, y/n nodded and stayed sitting "do you want to come with or are you gonna stay a bit?" pedri asked, y/n shook her head "im going to stay be safe" she spoke

an hour has went by and y/n stayed where she was, people sat by her and left and more people sat by her and than left but this one guy has stayed in the same spot for 20 minutes trying to flirt with y/n

he laid his hand on her thigh, y/n looked disgusted and moved his hand away harshly, "baby you should come home with me" this random guy spoke clearly drunk

y/n could smell the vodka and beer dripping from his breath, "i'd rather not" she spoke

he smiled and laughed wrapping his arm around her, "don't touch me" y/n spoke trying to move his hand but the guy stayed smiling and laughing tightening his grip

"we could have so much fun, you should definitely come home with me" he said, y/n was drunk and upset "no leave me alone!" she said loudly getting jude's attention

the guy stood up trying to make y/n stand up, she tried to pull her hands back, "get off of me" y/n said the guy continued trying to get her up

he quickly stopped when he heard, "mate i'm pretty sure she said get off of her" jude spoke

y/n looked over at him, she felt protected "go the hell away no one's talking to you" the guy said

jude pushed the guy, but because of how drunk he was the guy fell "mate you really don't want to mess with me" jude said leaving the guy on his floor and he helped y/n get up

"come on we're going to my apartment" jude said helping y/n to his car, y/n just nodded she was extremely tired and annoyed with what happened

"i thought you hated me" y/n said quietly as jude got in the car

"i don't anymore"

"within 5 hours you randomly decided that you don't hate me anymore" y/n asked, he could tell by the way she was talking that she drank way too much


as jude got to his apartment, he carefully helped y/n out of the car and helped her walk into his apartment

"it's so cold" y/n said as jude changed her into his sweatshirt

he laid her down in his bed, "jude— jude— jude" y/n kept repeating until jude responded

"what y/n?" he asked bringing her water,
"y/n?" he asked jude looked over to see her sleeping on his bed

he smiled seeing her cuteness, he turned the lights off and slept on the couch in his living room

"bro i think i'm falling for y/n" jude said on the phone with jack, "we all have known this"

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the next morning y/n woke up in a room she's never once seen, she looked down to see herself in a men's sweatshirt

she walked into a kitchen to see, jude "we didn't umm we didn't-" y/n struggled to get out

"no you should be thanking me right now, i took care of you" jude said giving y/n a glass of water before y/n could take it she rushed to the hall looking for the bathroom as soon as she found it she started vomiting in the toilet

"oh my days i guess i'm taking care of you more"

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a long imagine!!

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