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most of the sully kids learnt to ride ilu's fairly quickly. besides lo'ak. which it took him nearly 200 tries, and took alara a whole lot of patience.

like always; she took her time with him and made sure she was explaining everything clearly and in a way that lo'ak understood clearly.

she knew it took him extra time to learn thing, but she didn't really mind. she enjoyed spending time with him. he was easy to be around, she wasn't constantly fighting battles in her mind when around him.

she liked that about him, it didnt take effect to hang out with him, it didn't drain her. she didn't have to put on this perfect daughter persona, that she truely hated.

because she wasn't perfect and she wasn't there daughter.

so she didn't rush lo'ak and even though it took him a million tries, he kept trying, in his opinion, having alara as a teacher was rather motivating.

once he got it it made it much easier for everyone.

alara was once again with tuk, the two were sitting on rocks, alara's one taller than tuks since the younger had been begging the older all morning to do her hair.

she said she wanted beads in it because she wanted to look like lo'ak. this made alara's heart swarm and she couldn't refuse.

alara started rebraiding the multiple braids she had undone to add beads too, along with a few that were just messy and coming undone.

"so, tuk tuk. you like it here?" the sully family had been staying for a total of two and a half weeks.

tuk hummed for a long minute. "i like it. it is nice. but i miss my friends at home" she said, pouting slightly, alara fondled with the hair, having to be patient since the young girl had so much of it.

alara frowned, "its okay, it takes a bit to get use to but im sure once youre more settled in you will make lots of friends and really like it here. if i went to the forest id miss home too. its okay" alara comforted.

her hands moved fast as she weeved the hair through itself, pausing about half way to add a bead, making a knot, adding another dark blue bead, then braiding the rest of her hair.

she continued this with three other pieces then ended braiding the undone pieces of her hair. tuk and alara continued on with there little chat.

"were you with lo'ak this morning?" tuk asked, causing alara to furrow her eyebrows. "no, not today. why?" alara asked.

"because, when i woke up he wasn't in bed and his is always in bed when i wake up" tuk explained. alara worried, because thats what she did best. she kept braiding the girls hair as she spoke, adding beads, tying knots, braiding more.

"im sure he is fine tuk, why don't you go find kiri and go look at fish? im about done here and ill go have a look for lo'ak and see whats uo with him and then ill come join you and kiri" alara suggested. tuk nodded enthusiastically jumping off the stone she was sitting on to go find kiri.

alara paused, there was still one braid not finished, "tuk!" she groaned, when she said she was about done, she expected the younger to know she meant that alara would tell her when she was ready.

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