Chapter 14: Mending Fences

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About an hour later, The Viper had fully recovered from her dehydration and was now wandering around the hideout in an attempt to get to know the location a little better. As Ollie was standing at the teleporter's control console, he turned around to see the heroine passing by his chamber.

"Oh, hey!" he greeted. "Are you sure you're okay to be walking around?"

"Yes!" she responded. "I'm fine now!"

"Alright! If you need anything, you just let me or T.J. know. Moody, Duncan, The Crawler, and Monica should be back in a few."

As The Viper continued exploring the area, she saw Logan at a far-off table, still in the exact same place he had been before, sitting on the exact same chair and drinking the exact same cup of coffee. Although she was still a little shaken at from earlier, part of her didn't want to jump to conclusions so soon without knowing everything about him first. And besides.....all the rebels and their allies were fighting for the same cause, anyway; their differences hardly mattered. Or at least.....they didn't need to. They were all in this struggle together, so they might as well get to know one another more.

She briefly unsheathed her pistols and popped open the ammo clips.

Darn it! she thought to herself internally. I forgot to ask Moody where the extra bullets were. Thank goodness I didn't need to use them that much on the bridge.....

The heroine searched the ammunition crates next to her to see if she could find anything to serve as a reasonable substitute. She usually used 9mm bullets, but their boxes were nowhere to be found. So, she looked at the others.

"Hmm.....'.38 Super'.....'.40 S&W'.....'.45 GAP'....." she mused as she tried to decide on what to use. "The .45 GAPs would definitely fly fast.....the .40 S&Ws are more fitted for semi-automatic guns.....but then again, options are limited."

She eventually decided on the .40 S&Ws, opening their box and fully loading both of her clips. "I'm sure Moody wouldn't mind if I borrowed some of these."

Now, she was ready in case Logan tried to pull a fast one on her. After locking and loading her guns---and stashing them back into their holsters---The Viper approached the sniper who had violated her earlier.

"Logan.....?" she began.

The old man perked up and turned his head towards the direction of the voice. "'s you....." Logan said. "Listen, I'm very sorry for what happened earlier.....I'm still trying to find my way around this place as well. Kind of hard with no sight....."

"So you really are blind.....?" the heroine clarified.

Logan nodded. "Correct, lass. There should be a note from one of your friends---'Duncan', I think---somewhere on the table explaining everything. He wrote it while you were catching some Z's in our resting quarters. To catch you up on everything that he and the others learned while you were out, you know? I would explain my story again, but....." He sighed. "I'm way too tired. Too much has happened already....."

True to Logan's word, The Viper spotted a parchment of lined yellow paper lying on the surface of the table with some writing on it and a ballpoint pen at its side. There were open-ended holes going down one side of the page, making it appear as though it had been torn out of a notebook. The girl slid into the seat across from Logan, took the note, and spent the next few minutes reading it.

"Dear Viper,

The Crawler, Monica, T.J., and I learned more about Logan while you and Moody were away. Turns out that....."

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