Chapter 4: The Milestone To Remember

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About an hour in, the heroes had finished their plates and were lounging around the table waiting for the speakers to start giving their speeches. The Viper had already left the table to get into position for later, though Duncan, The Crawler, and Shocker remained behind to discuss the heroine's latest takedown.

"The Viper does it again, I suppose," Shocker said, the pride obvious in her tone. "I hope that guy is going to be alright....."

Duncan waved his hand. "Of course he will......Marvin and his crew aren't as cruel as, say, the Organization for Super Control or anyone like that."

"I, too, have had negative experiences with the OSC," his sister pointed out. "They just treated me a power generator.....if it weren't for Herman springing me loose, I don't know what else they would've done to me....."

"Yes.....they really had no respect for supers in the slightest," The Crawler agreed. "But it's all good now, right? Giorgio Carlisle and the Global Defense Council are running the show now, and with them having pulled together the Paragons......things are definitely going to get better, that's for sure."

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, Duncan could see the mayor of Mercury Heights walking up to the stage at the back of the room and positioning himself in front of the podium, with Commissioner Marvin and Giorgio Carlisle—who had entered the party a few minutes before—standing just out of the spotlight to the left of the stage, ready to head up when the mayor introduced them. The Viper, however, was still nowhere to be seen.

He reached over towards The Crawler and Shocker and motioned for them to quiet down. "Shhhh! The mayor's about to deliver a few words!"

Then, a reverent silence fell over the entire crowd as the lights dimmed down and the mayor cleared his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen.....loyal citizens of Mercury is with great pride and pleasure that I welcome every single one of you to City Hall this evening. For tonight, we celebrate an amazing milestone indeed. Our protector, The Viper, has diligently protected our humble city for four years, and still continues to do so to this day."

The audience clapped and cheered, with the mayor allowing them a few seconds to do so before continuing.

"Her deeds are many: she foiled Dr. Duncan Drevis's Herculean Serum plot, and helped him turn his life around in the process; I don't believe Lifeline Industries would have even existed had it not been for their's all thanks to her that the L.I. building stands tall and proud, as a mark of Duncan's rehabilitation. Furthermore, she later teamed up with Duncan to save our city from a blackout.....together, they even stopped two passenger trains from colliding, narrowly avoiding a mass casualty event. There is another accomplishment of hers that just might be her greatest one yet.....but I feel like I would be better off deferring to a certain other person about who can describe it way better than I can," he said, briefly glancing over at Giorgio Carlisle and giving him an aside wink. "The Viper has made all our lives just a little bit safer.....and I don't think we can ever thank her enough for her continued service, bravery, and valor. Next up.....the city's police commissioner, Marvin, would like to take the stand and say some words of his own."

The spectators, including Duncan, The Crawler, and Shocker, applauded as the mayor stepped away for the time being and allowed Marvin to take his spot.

"Hello, Mercury Heights! For those of you who do not know me, I am Commissioner Marvin, the director of the city's police forces. And I, for one, can attest to The Viper's heroics in a way that few others can. It's no secret that police officer shortages are an increasingly prominent problem, both in this city and in others. Oftentimes, I feel as though my units are spread thin. We try our best to respond to every emergency, but in many cases.....we lack the numbers. And to that end.....I would like to thank The Viper for the opportunity I've been given. About a year after she first began her watch in 2017, an open alliance was formed between her and the Mercury Heights Police Department to tackle crime at every turn. Unlike most, who would likely see her as an unlawful vigilante who seeks to take matters into her own hands, we instead see her as a trusted ally and partner, not some kind of threat or rival. Her fight is exactly the same as of course it would make sense to team up with her. She covers for us when we can't be there.....and for that, she has my deepest gratitude. And so, it is my greatest honor to present to you tonight.....the Protector of Mercury Heights, the Venomous Victor, the Serpent of the Century.....The Viper!"

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