Chapter 23 (TBBS): Shocked And Loaded

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At the rebel's hideout, Ollie's teleporter sparked to life, and the resistance members from the Beheaded Bengal Saloon quickly materialized in the center of the terminal, accompanied by Moody, The Viper, Duncan Drevis, and The Crawler. Once they made sure that everyone had been retrieved safely, the "re-recruited" bar dissidents dispersed almost immediately to explore their new base of operations.

"Well, I'll be darned!" Logan remarked as he, T.J., and Sylvester entered the transport chamber. "You young'uns actually did even more rebels are on our side!"

"Welcome back. We've been busy since you four were gone," T.J. said. "Ol' Doc over there really kept us on our toes. Every time we would come back with the supplies he needed, he'd always send us right back out to get more."

"And I kept Doc properly refreshed by regularly giving him water bottles, fresh from my lady's production plant," Sylvester reported, keeping a firm tone in order to avoid bursting into tears over his thoughts of her demise.

"Thank you.....all of you," Moody commended. "But.....I don't think I can take credit for inspiring the rebels this time around." She turned and smiled at The Viper. "It was all her."

The heroine clasped her hands behind her back and shyly swept her foot across the ground while looking down. " was nothing....."

"Are you kidding? You were awesome out there; and you weren't even fighting any bad guys this time!" Duncan praised. "You really rekindled their fire!"

"Come on, Viper.....the boss is right," The Crawler added. "What would we do without you?"

"Three cheers for The Viper!" Moody declared as she led the chants. "Hip hip....."

Everyone pumped their fist in the air. "Hooray!"

"Hip hip....."


"Hip hip....."


Just then, right when everyone resumed talking to each other, Doc also entered Ollie's area. "Hello, everyone," he greeted. "Good to see you all made it back safely!" He then glanced at Duncan. "I come not only to congratulate you and your group.....but also to return one of your own to you."

He proceeded to step aside and allow a fully-recovered Monica Drevis to approach.

Duncan gasped. He couldn't believe his eyes; despite having been shot and gravely injured, his sibling was alive.

Monica spoke her first words after having awakened. "Brother....." she whispered. "It's you.....!"

"Sis!" the doctor exclaimed, overjoyed, as he and his sister rushed towards each other and hugged tightly, much to the happiness of everyone else watching. "I'm so glad you're okay.....I really thought I had lost you....."

The girl kept holding her brother close, the siblings absolutely refusing to let go of each other for the moment; they were too happy. "I couldn't possibly have died yet. After all.....someone has to stay to keep an eye on you," she joked. "Why'd you come out of Ollie's portal again? Did you go out on another mission while I slept?"

"Yeah! We went to the Beheaded Bengal Saloon and convinced some more rebels to rejoin the Oreforged Resistance! You should've been there.....I like to imagine that we all said some pretty inspiring things, but The Viper's words took the cake by far."

Monica chuckled. "Oh, don't worry, I believe you. Being a's in her blood. I wish I could've been able to see the Beheaded Bengal Saloon, though....."

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