Chapter 8: The Distress Call

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"Great, now I have not one, not two, but three aliens to deal with. The one, Kat, seems pretty intent on befriending me, but I know I can't trust her... but if I 'befriend' her maybe I can learn more about the other one..." Dib trailed off, rambling to Gaz. She rolled her eyes, obviously not caring. Dib took her silence as a sign to continue his out-loud thinking. "Yeah, I think I'll do that. If one of them is so intent on being friends, that's an invaluable piece I can't give up" he went on. "First, though" he continued, "I should set up some sort of spy bug in their base. To keep tabs on them".

Xan sat quietly at her desk, writing notes about things she had learned about earth and humans. She tapped her lip lightly with her pen, thinking about the planet and her plans. 'What would the armada even do with Earth? Parking planet maybe? Training area? Another shopping district?' she thought to herself. She shrugged and went to write something down, before she heard a knock on her door. Kat poked her head in with a grin on her face, "Hey! There's these human girls at our front door offering cookies, want some?" she asked. Xan smiled at her friend's enthusiasm for sweets and stood up. "I suppose, I have been working all day so I think its time for a short break anyway" she responded. The two exited the room together.





"Damn windows. Alright. Gaz, I'm in" a dark figured muttered into its wrist. The figure looked around before spotting a vent on the ceiling. "Perfect.." the figured began towards the vent, carefully avoiding the various papers and mechanical pieces on the floor. Using some sort of suction cups, the dark figure climed up the wall to reach the vent. Upon reaching it, it took out a screw driver and undid the vent. "Alright, perfect. This device should let me tune into any frequencies from any communication devices" said the figure, placing something into the vent and rescrewing the cover back on. "I-" it was cut off by the sound of footsteps approaching the door. "Oh shit-", the figure quickly disengaged the suction cups and fell to the floor and scampered to the window. It gave one last look at the vent, before the door began to creak open, and it dove out the open window.

"Huh, I must've left my window open, although I don't remember opening it in the first place" Xan noted seeing her window ajar, but shrugged and went along back to her desk. "Now, where was I?" she thought out loud. "She's clueless!" said the dark figure on the ground in the alley way, underneath her window. The figure grabbed his mask off, revealing himself. "Shut up Dib. It would have been hilarious if you were caught" Gaz noted, her voice shrouded in static through the wrist watch. Dib rolled his eyes and picked up his bag that was hidden in a bush. "Now for stage two of my plan. God I hope this works..." he said to himself before beginning to go home.


"I got lotsa info master!" Gir screamed in his high putched voice. Zim grumbled to himself before swiveling his chair around, "What did you learn?" he asked. "Dib put some kinda spying device thingymabob in Xan's room!" Gir responded, pulling a muffin out of seemingly nowhere and feasting on it. Zim thought to himself for a moment before turning back to his desk, typing away furiously. A ding sounded from somewhere and the computer's voice spoke out, "Wireless device connected! Transferring feed now!". Zim turned to Gir with a smirk on his face. "That big-headed idiot has no idea I still have MY OWN spy device in his house, so I'm able to tap into any device he has connected to his computer. This way, I have access to the device in the other enemy's house! I'M A GENIUS!" he yelled, clearly pleased with the newfound information he has access to. "YAY!" Gir jumped too in excitement and ran off to somewhere Zim could careless about. "To treat myself, I shall have... SNACKS" he marched himself off to his kitchen.

Unbeknownst to him, his computer had picked up a strong signal from Dib's house...

"Tak, I need your help. I know you hate Earth, and I know you hate me too, but I can strike you a deal. I can send your ship to bust you out of jail, and you can come here and exact revenge on Zim for stealing your mission. I hope this message reaches you. Dib out." and the message fizzled away.

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