Chapter 9: Message Received

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Somewhere in a distant solar system, on a prison planet long forgotten....
"PRISONER #916373! YOU HAVE A MESSAGE" shouted a gruff voice, yanking open a high tech cell door. The prisoner groaned and sat up, and followed the guard to a room where prisoners sat with headphones on, listening to messages they've been sent. The prisoner sat down and put headphones on, and hit play to listen to whatever they have received. A robotic voice spoke, "Playing message..."

"Tak, I need your help. I know you hate Earth, and I know you hate me too, but I can strike you a deal. I can send your ship to bust you out of jail, and you can come here and exact revenge on Zim for stealing your mission. I hope this message reaches you. Dib out."

The prisoner sat for a moment, processing the message. Then, she smiled slightly, a dangerous look flashing in her rich purple eyes.


Zim paced around his lab, listing off ideas worridly. On the large screen of his computer was Dib's message spelled out in Irken text. "I can't believe he would message TAK! I didn't even know her ship was still here, how does he have access to it? How has it not DESTROYED him with its security measures?" he spoke to himself, agitated with the new potential threat to his mission. One other irken and her buddy was bad enough, but Tak has proven herself in the past to be a formidable threat. He sighed, giving up momentarily. He had to go to get ready for skool, as it was still early in the morning. He grabbed his disguise from his desk and his bag from the floor and set out the door.

Xan and Kat were sitting on the Hi-Skool steps chatting with eachother. "I was thinking," Xan started, "What will the armada even do with this planet?" Kat thought for a second. "I'm not sure to be honest. To be honest, I kinda hope they don't destroy it. Its actually kind of cool here" she said, looking off into the distance. Xan went silent, looking down at her notes. She shook her head, "I dunno. I think I agree but what can we do about that? Besides asking the Tallest to preserve it as a vacation spot" she said jokingly. Kat laughed but was interrupted by the bell. "Well, time to head in. I wonder what nonsense Ms. Bitters will spew today, maybe more lectures about doom" Kat said, the two of them standing up. They grabbed their bags and walked into the building, and shortly after they did, the bush they were sitting nearby rustled.

"Ow! Damn thorns," Dibs voice came from the bush. "So they don't even know what they want Earth for?" he asked himself. "Dib-stink! What are you doing in the bushes again?" Zim's shrill voice rang out. Dib rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't you like to know, ET?" he said sarcastically. "Zim has no care for your strange references" he shrugged. Dib rolled his eyes. "Whatever. At least I'm not apart of a species that doesn't even know why they invade planets" Dib scoffed, picking up his things. Zim arched an eyebrow at this comment, "What nonsense are you speaking?" he questioned. Dib hesitated, debating if he should share what he had just heard. "I overheard Xan and Kat talking. They were discussing what Earth would be once the Empire takes over, they aren't even sure what they'd use the planet for". Zim thought for a moment before he regained his usual prideful composure. "I'm not sure myself but I just know it'll be a great edition to our empire!" he said matter-of-factly. Dib ignored this and began walking into skool. "That's IF you can successfully take over Earth, which I won't let happen" he said walking away.

Zim lingered back on the steps thinking for a moment about what he'd heard. Even he wasn't sure what Earth would be used for. This had him questioning his mission. It's been like this for the past couple of years now- given the way the Tallests treated him, he was beginning to think maybe this mission was in vain. He shook this thought out of his head, "No, that's not it. I'm a loyal and valuable part of the Empire. They wouldn't send me on a fake mission. I'm too good for that" he said to himself, now walking into skool. The thoughts of doubt had been pushed out of his mind for now, but they won't be gone forever.

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