Chapter 7: Kat Goes To Skool

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"No... No... NO! NO! NOOOOOOO!" shrieked Ms. Bitters, angerly slamming the phone back into its place on her desk. She stood up to address the class, "Students, I regret to inform you that we have ANOTHER useless addition to our class". Knowing the worst was about to happen, a loud thud came from the west part of the room, where Dib's forehead has just made sudden contact with his desk. His head then immediately shoots up, an angry look on his face. "ANOTHER ALIEN!??" he shrieked worridly, only to be silenced by Ms. Bitters' stare of disapproval, accompanied by a sinister growl. He piped down, glaring at the door as the handle began to turn.

In steps the pink eyed brunette friend of Xan, smiling and taking in her new classroom. "If you must say anything, say it now. I don't want to hear another word from you for the rest of the semester" Ms. Bitters says cruelly. Kat's smile stood unwavering and her confident posture was unchanged, as she faced the class to greet it.

"Hiya!! I'm Kat! I can't wait to see how cool this place is" she said bubbly, then walked to take the empty seat behind Xan. Shortly after her small introduction, the bell rang indicating lunch time was here, much to the relief of the anguished students. Kat and Xan joined each other in the walk to the lunchroom. No words were shared between them, because Dib wasted no time in approaching the pair once they sat down. "I don't know what you're up to yet, but I WILL find out, and I WILL stop whatever it is" he threatened. Kat smiled at him, seemingly unfazed by what he had just said, "Hi! You must be Dib, I heard a lot about you! We should totes hang out sometime". This sentence earned her looks from both Dib and Xan, both surprised and confused by the words she had just uttered. "What? I just wanna see what a human's life is like!" she said defensively, seeing the looks on their faces. Dib just shook his head and headed back to his table where Gaz sat impatiently playing her Game Slave 2.

"You should find someone else to study. Someone dumber. He's... a little too smart for my liking. I told you he knows about us, I don't want to see you get hurt" Xan warned her. She absolutely did not trust Dib, especially not alone with her friend. "You know I can hold for myself. Plus, if I can befriend him, you'd have a one-way ticket to 'spy on your worst enemy' town. Pretty good deeeeaaaaal" she trailed on. Xan rolled her eyes and smiled, Kat took this as a silent sign of approval for her plan. She scurried off to Dib's table to try and befriend him. Xan got no moment of peace however, as Zim sat down suddenly in front of her.

"Why did you bring another one here" he demanded. Xan glared at him, "none of your business" she responded. Zim glared back, unhappy with the lack of information. "Tell me" he demanded again. "Look, she's only here to have some fun. She's on... what do the humans call it... ah yes, vacation" Xan wasn't exactly lying, but she wasn't telling the whole truth. Kat was there to study humans and be an assistant to Xan. But she wasn't just going to tell Zim that.

He gave her one last look before silently retreating to his lone table. "Finally, some quiet" Xan said to herself, retreating into her thoughts of what to do later.

AN: wow thats the most i've written for a chapter before. i think next will be longer

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