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The building was empty and I was working late again. I like the peace and quiet in the evening when there was nobody but me here. And as an introvert with ADHD who spent all day masking and feeling exhausted around people, I loved the chance to run free through this huge set. There was the massive set that was currently done up like a theatre with a stage. I knew the scenes they were planning to film on here next, I'd written the original book after all and was now the head script writer so I knew pretty much everything that went on here.

Everyone had been surprisingly lovely as well, I had been braced for diva like behaviour from actors but none had surfaced so far, it was like a huge extended family and I was loving being here, a lot more than I anticipated. The only problem was Christian Borle. The lead actor and the most gorgeous looking man I'd ever laid eyes on, in my entire life! He is so friendly and lovely, he's open minded and kind, he's generous and sweet and his voice is like listening to angels sing. I am seriously hot for him so naturally that means I stumble over my words and act like an idiot around him so of course I've taken to avoiding him. Yes I'm an idiot but it wasn't that long ago that I had my heart well and truly stomped on and I was still picking up the pieces so being around a man who really held the potential to do that again was not what I needed right now. As I'd told the director Amanda multiple times. She'd apparently seen how much I like him and was taking it upon herself to try and set us up together, of which I was having none of it, I'd shut her down at every single turn, only going out on large group nights out and the first time it had been engineered that Christian and I were alone together then I would leave.

Tonight I was going to take a break from writing and enjoy myself. I loved to dance and sing but I had no rhythm and zero singing skills so I never did it in front of anyone, but with a stage set up and no one here, I could have a bit of fun.

I put some of my favourite music on the sound system and began to dance around the stage. I was soon out of breath and laughing at myself for the random and flamboyant moves. I was really enjoying myself and wasn't anticipating the loud voice that made me jump and shake in shock.

"So this is what you do when you're alone in the building." Amanda's voice rung through the speakers loud and clear.

"Oh my bloody god Amanda, fucking hell." I clutched at my chest in shock, trying to calm down.

"Where are you?" I ask, looking around.

"I'm out, I had an alert on the security system so just logged onto the camera's myself."

"Well thank-you for the heart attack." I chuckle, embarrassed that she'd seen my dorky dancing.

"Oh my god. She is so insanely hot." I heard a man's voice groan and I froze before a smirk spread across my face.

"Christian, the mike is still on." Amanda's voice warned and it went quiet, I assumed she'd turned the mike off.

I chuckled to myself, half mortified he'd seen me dancing too but very pleased he thought I was hot too. I smirked at the security camera, grabbed my bag and left. I was going to have to see that man tomorrow and it was going to be awkward to say the least.

I went straight home and picked up a pizza on the way, I wasn't in the mood to cook tonight. I had just got into some comfy clothes, (hot pants and a vest top, not what I would wear in public normally but I liked being comfy in my home) and poured myself a glass of wine when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door, the glass of wine in my hand still and found Christian on my doorstep. He stood staring at me, seeming to have lost the ability to speak. I saw Amanda wave from her car as she drove off.

"Hi." I say, dumbfounded, leaning my hip against the open door.

"Hi." He shakes his head gently as if waking from a daze and focuses on my eyes, "I just thought I should come and clear the air a little." He looked embarrassed and uncomfortable so I decided to take pity on him.

"Come in." I stepped aside and opened the door further for him to come in. Was this a good idea? An open and frank conversation with this man about how I've been feeling about him. We'll soon see.

I walked into the kitchen and took out another wine glass, pouring him a one without asking if he wanted it. He'd not driven and I know he likes wine. It might loosen us both up for this conversation.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't realise the mike was still on." He accepts the glass.

"I didn't mind. It's nice to get a compliment." I shrug it off and he's clearly surprised at my nonchalant attitude.

"Ok. Good. We weren't spying on you, the alarm went off and Amanda turned on the monitors to see what was happening."

"I know." I shrug, not giving him an inch. He wants me to talk, he's gonna have to ask.

"You looked relaxed and happy, freer than I've ever seen you before."

"I was."

"Introvert." He nods in understanding.

"To say the least." I chuckle.

"Can I ask you a question?" He's unsure and wary but I smile and nod to reassure him.
"Why have you been avoiding me? Have I done or said something to upset you?" It's my turn to blush, I didn't know he'd even noticed that and I certainly wasn't expecting him to ask that.

"You've not done anything. It's my problem." I blush and look down whilst trying to keep the smirk off my face. Unsuccessfully.

"What's the problem?" He pushed and I glanced up at him, my bottom lip between my teeth and thoughts passing through my mind of what I could tell him but I finally settle on the truth. I've always been big on telling the truth so as uncomfortable as this is, I'm sticking to it.

"My problem. Is that every time I'm around you." I hesitate and shake my head and let out a small huff of disbelief that I'm about to say this. The blush must be evident on my face as Christian's demeanour seems to have shifted from anxious to curious.
"Every time I'm around you, I can't stop thinking about you and it's very distracting."
He's perked up and is grinning at me now.
I'm embarrassed and can't quite believe I've actually said that out loud so I move to the fridge to top up my drink.

"You like me?" He asks and I can hear the surprise in his voice which makes me look up at him.

"Yeah." I shrug as if it was obvious and he moves closer to me before speaking.

"I like you." He pauses until I look up to meet his gaze, "I'd like to take you out sometime if you'd want to?" Christian Borle is asking ME out?! My head is spinning and I feel like I need someone to pinch me to check this is really happening.

"Yes, i'd like that." I blush but keep his gaze, the atmosphere between us is filled with tension and I desperately want to kiss him. My thoughts distract me and my eyes drift to his lips which turn up in a smirk as he realises my thoughts.

"Can I kiss you?" He steps closer and he already knows my answer but the fact he's asked before touching me just adds to the respect as well as the heat between us. I nod minutely and take a step to him, closing the gap between us.

His kiss is soft and gentle, his hands are on my waist but feather-light and barely touching me. He tastes like wine and it's intoxicating. It's not enough though, my stomach is turning and I feel like I am on fire. Without thinking, I grab his t shirt and yank him as close as I can get him, he instantly responds by deepening the kiss, what was gentle and almost chaste is now fast and fiery hot. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist, holding me to him and takes a couple of steps towards me, pushing me backwards until I hit the wall. He pushes his hips into mine, pinning me against the wall. A bolt of lust shoots through me as I feel his lips and tongue moving from my mouth, down my neck and throat. I moan and grip onto his arms as he reaches my collarbone.

"Tell me to stop if you want." He whispered.

"Don't stop." Dear god, please don't stop. I love how he's thinking about me but I don't want his respect right now, I want... other things. He moves back up my body before full on growling in my ear and I am gone, this man could do anything he wants to me.

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