Oh Honey

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A/N: This one is a little bit longer. Hope you like it. :D Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to write.

"Come on, I want to know." Andy was teasing as we sat on his sofa, drunk and watching a film. His partner Tuc was working late so we were meant to be having a quiet night in.

"OK but it's really person specific and outfit specific and accent specific." I laugh embarrassed. He's asked what seemingly random phrase would be a turn on for me. Yes this is where our conversation had gone after a few drinks. Tuc will be pleased he missed this drunken foolishness.

"Oooh now I'm extra interested, who is it about?" He sits up in his chair and stares at me waiting for an answer.

"Oh god." I cringe and cover my eyes, "I can't believe I'm telling you this, we're never drinking again."

"Come on, you know you want to tell me." He cackles mischievously and I crack up laughing.

"If I tell you then you have to promise you won't tell him!"

"Is it someone I know?" He seems surprised when I nod.

"No backing out now, I told you mine."

"Fine. It's Christian but in that Shakespeare outfit in that English accent saying a certain line from one of the songs."

Andy's open mouthed staring at me.
"Christian Borle!" He exclaims. I nod, worried if he's upset but then he bursts out into a grin of delight.
"You would be perfect together, you are the biggest geek I've ever met second only maybe to Christian!"
"Tell me what the line is!"

"Honey believe me it's hard." I laugh, half amused, half embarrassed. Andy cracks up laughing.

"I'm gonna have to introduce you to him." He grins at me.

"Andy, chill out. We do not need setting up thank-you!"

"I'm not gonna set you up, I'm just gonna introduce you." I rolled my eyes at him but truth be told, I was hoping he'd say that. I do have a huge crush on him and I know he's single, thanks to Andy. I just have to hope that he likes me too.

"Okay if you're telling Tuc, I don't think he's that interested." I chuckle as Andy is fiercely texting away.

"I'm not texting Tuc." He flashed a devilish grin which made panic.

"Who are you texting?" I ask anxiously.

"Christian." He smirks at the look of horror on my face.

"You're not telling him that!" I exclaimed, lunging for his phone.

"Relax, I was just inviting him for dinner tomorrow evening, naturally you're coming too." He grins. I relax a little.

"Is he coming?"

"Yep." He laughs when I blush, "now we need to pick you an outfit!" He grins. I swear his favourite hobby is dressing me up like I'm a doll. He does have amazing taste though and I hate shopping so I shrug in reluctant agreement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next evening rolls around quickly and Andy had taken me shopping and chosen a dress that I'd reluctantly agreed to. It was a lot more revealing than I normally would have chosen.

 It was a lot more revealing than I normally would have chosen

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